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drinkdrink[drɪŋk](drank,drunk) ,drink sth 'down1.to drink all of sth quickly迅速喝光:He filled a cup with cold water and drank it down in one gulp.他盛了一杯凉水一饮而尽。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,drink 'in sth; ,drink it/them 'in 2.to look at, listen to or experience sth with great pleasure and interest尽情地欣赏某事物;陶醉于…;乐在其中:She wandered the streets, drinking in the atmosphere.她漫步街头,乐在其中。We sat gazing at the view, drinking it all in.我们坐着尽情地欣赏景色。[OBJ]sight,view,atmosphere,beauty3.A noun must always follow in, but a pronoun comes between the verb and in .名词必须放在in 之后,但代词放在动词和in 之间。4. Drink in sth cannot be used in the passive.drink in sth 不用于被动语态。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv'drink to sb/sth 5.to wish sb/sth good luck, success or happiness, by raising your glass and then drinking为…乾杯﹙或祝酒﹚;举杯祝贺…:They all drank to the couple’s health.他们都举杯祝这对夫妇健康。‘Things can only get better.’ ‘I’ll drink to that!’ “情况只会更好的。”“我举杯赞成!”[synonym]toast sb/sth[G]v+prep,drink 'up; ,drink sth 'up 6.to finish all of a drink﹙把…﹚喝完:Drink up. It’s time to go.喝完吧。该走了。Drink your milk up — it’s good for you.把牛奶喝完─牛奶有益。7.[NOTE]Drink sth up is not used in the passive. drink sth up 不用于被动语态。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n

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