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drivedrive[drʌɪv](drove,driven) 'drive at sth 1.to try to express or say sth试图表达﹙ 或说﹚ … :I’m not sure I understand what you’re driving at .我不确定我是否理解了你要表达的意思。What’s he driving at? 他想说什么?[synonym]get at sth2.[NOTE]Drive at sth is only used in the progressive tenses and in direct or indirect questions with ‘what’. drive at sth 只用于进行时而且是带what 的直接或间接疑问句。[G]v+prep,drive a'way/ 'off; ,drive sb/sth a'way/ 'off 3.(of a car or a driver 汽车或开车人) to go away in a vehicle; to take sb away in a vehicle驱车离开;驾车带走:The cab drove slowly away.出租车慢慢开走了。There’s someone to drive your car away and park it.有人帮你把车开到停车场。They were driven away in a police van.他们被警车带走了。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv,drive sb/sth a'way (from sth) 4.to make sb not want to go to a particular place or be with a particular person; to make sb/sth leave a place令人却步;驱使…离开﹙…﹚:Rising prices are driving our customers away.不断上涨的价格使顾客望而却步。His temper and his violent behaviour have driven all his family away.他的脾气和暴力行为把家人全吓跑了。[OBJ]business,customers[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,drive 'off 5.(in golf 高尔夫球) to hit the ball to begin a game开﹙球﹚[G]v+adv,drive 'off; ,drive sb/sth 'off =DRIVE AWAY/OFF,DRIVE SB/STH AWAY/OFF The van drove off at high speed.客货车高速开走了。The car was driven off at speed.汽车高速开走了。Then he drove her off to the airport.然后他开车把她送往机场。,drive sb/sth 'off; ,drive sb/sth 'off sth 6.to force sb/sth to move away from a particular place赶走…;驱赶…﹙离开…﹚;击退:The army was driven off by the fierce attacks of the rebels.部队被反叛者的激烈进攻打退了。We were driven off the island by the new owner.我们给岛上的新主人赶走了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,drive 'on 7.to continue driving either without stopping or after stopping for a short time驱车继续行驶:We drove on until we came to an open square full of cafés.我们一直开到一处布满小餐馆的露天广场才停下车。Paula stopped to let Philip out of the car before driving on.葆拉停车让菲利普下车之后又继续往前开。[G]v+adv,drive sb/sth 'out; ,drive sb/sth 'out of sth 8.to make sb/sth leave or disappear使…离开﹙…﹚;赶走;使消失:They’re hoping that their competitive prices will drive out the rival company.他们希望以具竞争力的价格淘汰对手公司。They tried to drive her out of the village.他们试图把她赶出村庄。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep

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