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easeease[iːz],ease 'back 1.(business) if profits, prices, etc.ease back, they become a little lower, especially after they have been high﹙利润、价格等﹚略微回落, 稍降:The company’s profits eased back from £15.1 million to £14.7 million.公司利润从 1 510 万英镑回落到1 470 万英镑。2.(on sth) if somebody eases back, they go a little slower, do sth with a little less energy, are less strict, etc.than before﹙把某事﹚放慢,放宽:The team played aggressively in the first half of the game, but were able to ease back in the second.这个队在比赛上半场表现得气势汹汹,但在下半场就稍微收敛些。The government should ease back on farming restrictions.政府应该放宽农业限制。[G]v+adv,ease 'back into sth; ,ease sb/yourself 'back into sth 3.to gradually become familiar again with sth you have not done for some time;to help sb become familiar again with sth they used to do﹙让某人或自己﹚重新熟习﹙生疏了的事情﹚ :Smith is gradually easing back into running after his injury.史密斯受伤后正慢慢恢复跑步。It’s time to ease the kids back into the school routine.该让孩子们逐步恢复上学期间的作息习惯了。The ease back process is designed to reduce the chance of re-injury.这个恢复过程特别为减少再次受伤的可能性而设计。see also EASE INTO STH,EASE SB/YOURSELF INTO STH[G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep,ease 'into sth; ,ease sb/yourself 'into sth4.to gradually become, or help sb become, familiar with sth new, especially a new job﹙让某人或自己﹚逐渐熟悉﹙新事物,尤指新工作﹚:to ease into retirement 逐步适应退休生活a course for easing people into the world of computing 帮助学员进入电脑世界的课程see also EASE BACK INTO STH,EASE SB/YOURSELF BACK INTO STH[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep,ease 'off 5.to gradually become less strong or unpleasant逐渐减轻;逐渐缓解:Eventually the rain started to ease off.雨势终于开始减弱了。The pain eased off after a few hours.几个小时之后疼痛减轻了。6.to go slower or make less effort放慢速度;放松:He eased off in the last lap and still won.他在最后一圈放慢了速度,还是赢了比赛。[synonym]slack off[G]v+adv,ease sb 'out; ,ease sb 'out of sth 7.to make sb leave their job or position, especially by making it difficult or unpleasant for them over a period of time﹙尤指长时期刁难﹚让某人离开﹙工作岗位等﹚:He was eased out of his job as presidential adviser.他迫于形势,最终辞去总统顾问的职务。8.[NOTE]Ease sb out is often used in the passive. ease sb out 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep,ease 'up 9.(on sth) to go slower or make less effort; to do sth less放慢速度;放松;减少:The doctor told him to ease up.医生让他放松点。I’d ease up on the training a bit if I were you.我若是你就减少点训练。10.(on sb) to start being less severe with sb﹙对某人﹚放松要求:I think you should ease up on the kids a bit.我觉得你应该对孩子们温和些。[G]v+adv

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