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eateat[iːt](ate,eaten) ,eat sth a'way 1.to gradually damage or destroy sth over a period of time侵蚀;腐蚀;逐渐破坏:Something was eating away the foliage.有东西在一点点地侵害叶子。Some of the stone had been eaten away by pollution.部份石头被污染物腐蚀了。The sea is eating away the coastline.海水侵蚀着海岸线。see also EAT AWAY AT STH[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,eat a'way at sb 2.to worry sb over a long period of time﹙精神上﹚折磨某人:Jealousy is eating away at him.嫉妒心折磨着他。[G]v+adv+prep,eat a'way at sth 3.to gradually damage or destroy sth over a period of time侵蚀;腐蚀;逐渐破坏:Pollution is eating away at the stone.污染物腐蚀着石头。Resentment ate away at their relationship.怨恨逐渐破坏了他们的关系。see also EAT STH AWAY[G]v+adv+prep,eat 'in 4.to have a meal at home rather than at a restaurant在家里吃饭:Are you eating in tonight? 你今晚在家吃饭吗?[opposite]eat out 5.(also ,eat sth 'in) (especially BrE) to buy and eat food at a restaurant, rather than taking it away to eat在餐馆进餐﹙非外卖﹚:Is this food to eat in or take away? 这份食物是在这里吃还是带走?[opposite]take sth away (especially BrE)[G]v+adv 2 }also&b{ v+n/pron+adv'eat into sth 6.to gradually damage or destroy sth逐步腐蚀;逐渐损坏:Woodworm had eaten into most of the furniture.木蛀虫把大部份傢具都蛀了。7.to use or take away a large part of sth valuable, especially money or time消耗, 花掉,耗费﹙尤指部份的金钱或时间﹚:My work began to eat into the weekends.我的工作开始占用周末。[OBJ]profits,time[G]v+prep,eat 'out 8.to have a meal in a restaurant, etc. rather than at home上馆子吃饭;在外用餐:We ate out almost every night.我们几乎每晚都下馆子。[synonym]dine out (formal)[opposite]eat in[G]v+adv,eat 'up 9.used to tell sb to eat quickly or to eat everything they have been given快点吃;要吃完:Eat up! You’ll be late for school.快点吃!你上学要迟到了。see also EAT STH UP 1[G]v+adv,eat sb 'up 10.if an emotion such as anger, guilt, etc.eats sb up, it worries them all the time and they cannot think of anything else﹙情感﹚折磨某人,煎熬着某人:The anger was eating her up inside.她怒不可遏。[synonym]consume sb (formal)11.Eat sb up is often used in the passive. eat sb up 常用于被动语态:He’s eaten up by jealousy.他妒火中烧。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,eat sth 'up 12.to eat all the food you have been given吃完;吃光:Eat up your broccoli. It’s good for you.把花椰菜吃完。这对你有益。see also EAT UP 13.(informal, especially BrE) to use large quantities of sth, for example fuel or electricity大量消耗﹙燃料、电力等﹚:His extravagance is eating up our profits.他在挥霍掉我们的赢利。The van really eats up petrol/gas.这辆客货车很耗油。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare)

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