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enquire (also inquire especially AmE)词组,隐喻,短语

enquire (also inquire especially AmE)

enquire (also inquire especially AmE)enquire (also inquire especially AmE)en'quire after sb (formal)1.to ask about sb’s health or about what they are doing问候某人:My mother enquired after you and the baby.我母亲问候你和你的孩子。[synonym]ask after sb (less formal)[G]v+prepen'quire into sth (formal, especially BrE) 2.to try to find out the facts about sth调查;查究;查问:The committee are enquiring into the employment of children.委员会正在调查雇用童工的情况。[synonym]investigate sth3.[NOTE]Enquire into sth can be used in the passive. enquire into sth 可用于被动语态。[G]v+prepen'quire sth of sb (formal)4.to ask sb sth向某人打听﹙或询问、了解﹚…:‘Are you able to come with us?’ she enquired of Will.“你能和我们一道来吗? ”她问威尔。[G]v+speech+prep

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