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enterenter[ˈɛntə]'enter into sth (formal)1.(with sb) to begin to discuss or deal with sth﹙与某人﹚开始讨论,着手处理:The government agreed to enter into negotiations.政府同意进行谈判。The examiners cannot enter into any correspondence over the results.主考官不可以就结果进行任何通信联系。[OBJ]negotiations,correspondence,contract2.[NOTE]Enter into sth can be used in the passive in this meaning. enter into sth 作此义时可用于被动语态。3.(with sb) to begin or become involved in a formal agreement﹙与…﹚开始协商,订定协议:The government has entered into an agreement with the World Bank.政府已经和世界银行签订了协议。It is vital that the contract be freely entered into.自由签订本合同是至关重要的。[OBJ]agreement4.[NOTE]Enter into sth can be used in the passive in this meaning. enter into sth 作此义时可用于被动语态。5.to affect a situation or be an important part of it影响;是…的重要部份:Luck didn’t enter into it; I won because of my skill.我取胜并不是靠运气,而是靠我的技术。[OBJ]it[G]v+prep'enter on/upon sth (formal)6.to make a start on sth; to begin sth开始; 着手:The economy entered on a period of sustained growth.经济进入了持续增长阶段。In 1991, he entered upon a turbulent political career.他于1991年开始动荡不定的政治生涯。7.[NOTE]Enter on/upon sth can be used in the passive. enter on/upon sth 可用于被动语态。[G]v+prep

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