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heapheap[hiːp]'heap A on B;'heap B with A (also 'heap A upon B more formal) 1.to put a lot of sth in a pile on sth在…上放很多(东西):She heaped food on my plate.她往我的盘子里放了很多食物。The food was heaped on the plate.盘子里堆满了食物。The chairs were heaped with cushions.椅子上摞着埝子。2.to offer or give sb a lot of sth, especially praise or criticism大量提供(或送)给某人;(尤指)对某人大加赞扬(或批评) :They heaped scorn upon his proposal.他们对他的建议大加嘲讽。Praise was heaped on the police for their handling of the case.警方处理这一案件得到了高度赞扬。[OBJ]praise,scorn3.[NOTE]These phrasal verbs are often used in the passive.这些短语动词常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prep,heap sth 'up 4.to put sth into a pile堆放:A huge pile of washing was heaped up in a corner.角落里攒了一大堆待洗的衣服。[synonym]pile sth up[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n

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