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hearhear[hɪə](heard,heard) 'hear about sb/sth 1.to be told news or information about sb/sth得知(有关某人的)信息;获悉:I’m so sorry to hear about your mother }(=for example, that she is ill)&b{.获悉你母亲的事我很难过。Have you heard about your job yet }(= if you have got it or not)&b{? 你的工作有消息了吗?[G]v+prep'hear from sb;'hear sth from sb 2.to receive news or information from sb, usually by letter or telephone接到某人的信、电话等:Do you ever hear from any of your school friends? 你收到过你的校友的信吗?(written) I look forward to hearing from you.盼望着收到你的信。I haven’t heard anything from Kate for ages.我好长时间没听到凯特的音信了。3.to formally get sb’s opinion about sth or their description of sth that has happened, such as an accident, etc.听取某人的意见(或陈述、汇报等):Can we hear from some of the women in the audience? 我们能否听一些妇女观众的意见? The police would like to hear from anyone who witnessed the accident.警方想要听取这次事故的任何目击者的陈述。I’d like to hear something from somebody who’s had experience of studying abroad.我想听听曾经出国留学的人的意见。[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep'hear of sb/sth 4.to know about sb/sth because you have been told about them/it听说,得知(某人/某事) :I’ve heard of the Alexander technique, but I don’t know anything about it.我听说过亚历山大方法,可我对此一点都不了解。I’ve never heard of him.我从未听到过他的消息。5.[NOTE]Hear of sb is often used in the present perfect tense with have. hear of sb 常与have一起用于现在完成时。see also UNHEARD-OF at HEAR OF SB/STH,HEAR STH OF SB/STH[G]v+prep'hear of sb/sth;'hear sth of sb/sth 6.to have news of sb/sth得到…的消息;获悉:I was sorry to hear of your accident.获悉你遇到了意外,我很难过。He was last heard of in Liverpool.最后一次听到他的消息时,他在利物浦。You’re going abroad? This is the first I’ve heard of it ! 你要出国?这可是我第一次听说这件事!From what I’ve heard of Andy, he’s become very successful.从我所掌握的有关安迪的情况来看,他已经十分成功。I expect we’ll hear more of this band in the future.我期待着以后能更经常地听到这支乐队的消息。7.[NOTE]Hear of sb is often used in the passive. hear of sb 常用于被动语态。see also NOT HEAR OF STH,NOT HEAR OF SB DOING STH[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prepun'heard-of adj 8.that has never been known or done; surprising前所未闻的;空前的;惊人的:It’s almost unheard-of for it to rain there in July.那里七月份下雨很罕见。not 'hear of sth;not 'hear of sb doing sth9.to not allow something or not allow sb to do sth拒绝(或不允许)某事:I offered to go but she wouldn’t hear of it.我建议由我去,但她不允许。They wouldn’t hear of us postponing the trip.他们就是不同意我们推迟旅行。see also UNHEARD-OF at HEAR OF SB/STH,HEAR STH OF SB/STH[G]v+prep,hear sb 'out 10.to listen until sb has finished saying what they want to say听某人把话说完:I know you don’t believe me, but please hear me out! 我知道你不相信我,可是请听我说完![G]v+n/pron+adv

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