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passpass[pɑːs],pass sth a'round; ,pass sth a'round sth (BrE also ,pass sth 'round, ,pass sth 'round sth)1.to offer sth to each person in a group把……传递给﹙……中的﹚每个人:Would you mind passing the sandwiches round? 请您把三明治递给大家吃好吗?A picture was passed around the class.班上的同学传看一幅画。[synonym]hand sth round,hand sth around[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep'pass as sbsee also PASS FOR/AS SB,pass a'way2.(also ,pass 'on) people say pass away to avoid saying ‘die’﹙婉辞,与die同义﹚亡故:She passed away peacefully in her sleep.她是在睡梦中安详地过世的。3.to disappear消失:Many of these customs have passed away.这些风俗有很多已失传了。[G]v+adv,pass be'tween sb 4.if sth such as a look, a word,etc. passes between two people, they look quickly at each other, speak to each other, etc.在﹙ 两人的眉眼、言语等﹚ 之间:A look of understanding passed between Ann and Carla.安和卡拉心照不宣地交换了一下目光。I never knew what passed between them (= }what they said to each other&b{) on that day.我根本不知道那天他们之间说了些什么。[G]v+prep,pass 'by 5.if time passes by, it goes past﹙时间﹚过去,逝去:The weeks passed by and she didn’t call.几个星期过去了,她没有打电话来。[synonym]go by6.Pass is used more frequently with this meaning. pass 较常作此义:The weeks passed.几个星期过去了。[G]v+adv,pass 'by; ,pass 'by sb/sth 7.to go past sb/sth without stopping通过;经过﹙……旁边等﹚:He saw the procession pass by.他看见队伍走过。The boat passed close by the island.那艘船紧挨着岛驶过。[synonym]go by,go by sb/sth8.Pass and pass sb/sth are also used with this meaning. pass pass sb/sth 也作此义:We watched the procession pass.我们看着队伍走过。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep'bypass n 9.a road that goes around a town, etc.and which is intended to keep traffic out of the town centre旁道,外环道﹙绕过市中心等﹚10.a medical operation on the heart in which blood is directed along a different route so that it does not flow through a part that is damaged or blocked;the new route that the blood takes﹙给心脏接旁通管的﹚分流术,搭桥术;旁通管:a bypass operation 分流手术,passer-'by n 11.a person who is walking past sb/sth, especially when sth unexpected happens﹙ 尤指出现意外事情时的﹚ 过路人; 路人:Several passers-by stopped to help.几位过路人停下来帮忙。,pass sb/sth 'by 12.to happen without affecting sb/sth未影响﹙某人/某事﹚:She feels that life is passing her by (}= that she is not enjoying the opportunities and pleasures of life&b{).她觉得所有人生的机遇欢乐都与她无缘。The whole business passed him by (= }he was hardly aware that it was happening&b{).他没有察觉到发生了什么事。[G]v+n/pron+adv,pass sth 'down(to sb)13.to give sth or teach sth to your children or people who are younger than you, who will then give or teach it to their children,etc.使世代相传;流传:These stories were passed down from one generation to the next.这些故事世代相传。Some of the furniture has been passed down through the family.有些傢具是一代代传下来的。[synonym]hand sth down (to sb)14.[NOTE]Pass sth down is often used in the passive. pass sth down 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'pass for sth (disapproving)15.used to say that although sth is said to be a particular thing, you do not think it is good enough to be called that名义上说是……的:I got used to drinking what passes for tea in that part of the world.我习惯了喝那个地方的所谓的茶。[G]v+prep'pass for/as sb 16.to be so much like another person,or another type of person, that people could easily think you were that person or type﹙因相似﹚被当作某人,被看成为某类人:He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman.他说法语很流利,很容易被当作法国人。She’s in her forties but she could pass for ten years younger.她四十多岁了,但看上去要年轻十岁。They could pass as twins.他们长得像双胞胎。[G]v+prep'pass into sth 17.to become a part of sth成为其中一部份;溶入;纳入:Many foreign words have passed into English.许多外来词语已被英语吸收过来。[G]v+prep,pass 'off (BrE)18.1[+adv/prep ] if an event passes off in a particular way, it takes place and is finished in the way mentioned事情……地过去:The election has passed off without incident.选举自始至终未发生意外。The celebrations passed off peacefully.庆祝活动和平地进行并结束了。19.if pain, the effects of a drug, etc. pass off, they gradually disappear﹙疼痛、药效等﹚逐渐消失,消退:The symptoms should pass off within 24 hours.症状应该在24小时内消失。[G]v+adv,pass sth 'off 20.to act as if a difficult or awkward remark or situation is less important than you really think it is对﹙ 困难或尴尬的话语或状况﹚加以淡化,从容应付:He had really upset her, but she smiled and tried to pass it off.他着实让她难过,但她笑了笑就算了。He managed to pass the question off lightly.他把那个问题轻轻带过就应付下去了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,pass sb/sth 'off as sb/sth; ,pass yourself 'off as sb/sth 21.to pretend that sb or sth is something that they are not装作;佯装;假装:She tried to pass the picture off as an original.她企图把那张画冒充成原作。He succeeded in passing himself off as a doctor.他成功地装扮成医生。[G]v+n/pron+adv+prep ◆ v+adv+n+prep (less frequent),pass 'on 22.(to sth) (BrE) to begin a new activity,discussion, etc.开始下一项﹙活动、讨论等﹚:Let’s pass on to the next item on the agenda.我们进入下一项议程吧。If you can’t answer one question, pass on to the next.如果某个问题回答不上来,就回答下一个。[synonym]move on (to sth)23.2=PASS AWAY 1[G]v+adv,pass sth 'on (to sb) 24.to give sth to sb else, especially after receiving or using it yourself转交;﹙用后﹚递给,传给:I’ll pass this book on to you when I’ve finished with it.我看完这本书后就给你。I’ll pass on your news to the rest of the family.我会把你的消息带给家里人的。[synonym]hand sth on (to sb) 25.to give sth that you have, such as a disease, a quality, etc. to sb else把﹙疾病﹚传染给;将﹙品质等﹚传给:HIV can be passed on from parent to child.艾滋病病毒能传染后代。Parents pass these attitudes on to their children.父母的这些态度传递给了孩子。26.if a company,a shop/store, etc. passes on higher or lower costs to its customers, it makes them pay more or less for sth把﹙成本﹚转给﹙顾客﹚:The supermarket did not pass on its profit to customers by cutting prices.超市没有通过削价给顾客让利。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,pass sb 'on to sb 27.to arrange for sb else to help or deal with a particular person把某人交给他人;安排他人接手:I’m afraid I can’t answer your question, but I’ll pass you on to my colleague.恐怕我不能回答你的问题,不过我可以请我的同事回答你。[G]v+n/pron+adv+prep,pass 'out 28.to lose consciousness昏迷;失去知觉:He almost passed out with the pain.他痛得快要昏了。[synonym]black out;faintsee also COME ROUND/COME TO29.(also ,pass 'out of sth) (BrE) to leave a military college after completing a course of training从军校毕业[G]v+adv 2 }also&b{ v+adv+prep,pass sth 'out (to sb)30.to give something to each person in a group分发;分配:The teacher asked me to pass the books out.老师让我把书发给大家。[synonym]give sth out;hand sth out (to sb)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,pass 'over sb (for sth), ,pass him,them,etc.'over (for sth)31.to not consider sb for a better job,especially when they deserve it or think they deserve it﹙考虑提职等时﹚跳过某人:I was passed over for promotion again.晋升又没有考虑我。He was passed over in favour of a younger man.他未被擢升,却提拔了一个比他年轻的人。32.[NOTE]A noun must always follow over, but a pronoun comes between the verb and over .名词必须放在over 之后,但代词放在动词和over 之间。33.[NOTE]This phrasal verb is often used in the passive.这个短语动词常用于被动语态。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv,pass 'over sb/sth 34.to move over the top of sb/sth在……上方经过:The planes pass directly over the hospital.飞机都从医院的正上方飞过。The eye of the storm was passing over us.那时风暴眼正从我们上方通过。35.to ignore or avoid sth避免提及﹙或考虑﹚:They chose to pass over her rude remarks.他们决定不理会她的粗鲁言辞。For years this painting was passed over by experts.这幅画有很多年都被专家冷落在一边。[synonym]ignore sb/sth36.[NOTE]Pass over sb/sth can be used in the passive in this meaning. pass over sb/sth 作此义时可用于被动语态。[G]v+prep'overpass n 37.(especially AmE) a bridge that carries one road or railway above another; a bridge over a road for people who want to cross立交桥;天桥:Don’t try to cross the highway — use the overpass.别横穿公路—从天桥上走。,pass sb/sth 'over (to sb)38.to give sth to sb, especially when they ask for it or you do not want it any more; to give sb, or the responsibility for sb,to sb else将……交给﹙某人﹚;让……照看:Jeff passed the phone over so that I could speak to Clare.杰夫把电话递给我,让我和克莱尔讲话。The doctor passed the baby over to the nurse.医生把婴儿交给护士照料。Control of the budgets has been passed over to individual schools.对预算的管理已交给了各个学校。[synonym]hand sb/sth over (to sb) 39.to let sb listen or speak to sb else when you have finished talking﹙讲话之后﹚让……听﹙别人﹚讲话,让……找﹙ 别人﹚ 谈话:If there are no more questions, I’ll pass you over to Ted.如果没有其他问题问我,现在请听特德讲话。[synonym]hand over to sb,hand sb over to sb[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,pass sth 'round; ,pass sth 'round sth (BrE)=PASS STH AROUND,PASS STH AROUND STH,pass 'through; ,pass 'through sth 40.to go or travel through a place, only stopping for a short time经过;路过:We’re not staying here, we’re just passing through.我们只是路经此地,不会久留的。We passed through Pompeii on our way to Naples.我们去那不勒斯时途经庞贝。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,pass 'through sth (especially BrE)41.to experience a particular kind of situation or period of time, especially a difficult or unpleasant one,and develop during it经历;经受;遭受:She passed through a difficult period after her divorce.她离婚之后一度倍受煎熬。The industry is passing through a period of change.该行业正经历着一场变革。[OBJ]period,stage[synonym]go through sth[G]v+prep'pass to sb/sth 42.to begin to be owned by sb new易手;易主:When she died, the house passed to her niece.她去世后,房子归她的姪女所有。[G]v+prep,pass sth 'up (informal)43.to decide not to take advantage of an opportunity, an offer, etc.放弃,不要﹙机会、帮助等﹚:She passed up the chance of a trip to Rome.她放弃了去罗马旅游的机会。Imagine passing up an offer like that! 真想不到居然放弃人家提供的大好机会![OBJ]opportunity,chance,offer[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent)

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