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patchpatch[patʃ],patch sb/sth 'through 1.to connect telephone or electronic equipment temporarily﹙ 临时把电话、电子设备﹚接通,连通:The radio was patched through to army headquarters 无线电和部队司令部接通了。[G]v+n/pron+adv,patch sth to'gether 2.to arrange sth quickly,especially by putting several different parts together, without taking any care over it拼凑;草草拼合:An interim government was quickly patched together.匆匆组建了临时政府。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,patch sb/sth 'up 3.to give quick or temporary medical treatment to someone who is injured匆忙处理,临时包扎﹙伤员或伤口﹚:They patched him up and sent him back onto the field (=}for example in a game of football&b{).他们给他上了点药就让他回到了赛场。The doctor did the best he could to patch up their wounds.医生尽最大努力很快给他们包扎了伤口。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,patch sth 'up 4.to repair sth, especially quickly or temporarily修理;﹙尤指﹚临时修补:The car was patched up and resold.汽车草草修理一下又卖掉了。We patched up the hole in the roof and got it repaired the next day.我们堵了堵顶部的洞,第二天找人把它修好了。5.to end a quarrel or dispute with sb and be friends again调停;讲和:They patched up their differences.他们弥合了分歧。Can’t you two try to patch things up? 你们俩就不能试试和好吗?[OBJ]differences,quarrel,things6.to agree on sth, especially after long discussions and even though the agreement is not completely satisfactory勉强同意;求同存异:They managed to patch up a peace.他们好歹达成了和约。[G]1v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n 2,3 v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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