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puffpuff[pʌf],puff a'way (at/on sth) (informal)1.(usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to smoke a pipe, cigarette, etc., often when you are thinking deeply吸,抽﹙烟斗、香烟等﹚:He stood looking out of the window, puffing away at his pipe.他站在那里一边看着窗外一边吸着烟斗。[G]v+adv,puff sth 'out 2.to make sth larger and rounder by filling it with air吹胀;使鼓起:She puffed out her cheeks in anger.她气得鼓起了腮帮子。Her hair was puffed out round her face.她披头散发。[OBJ]cheeks,chest[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,puff 'up; ,puff sth 'up 3.to swell or to make sth swell and increase in size﹙使﹚膨胀:He could feel his face puffing up where Mark had hit him.他能感觉到脸上被马克打的地方肿胀起来。He puffed up his chest like an exotic bird.他像只奇异的鸟一样鼓起了胸脯。The medicine makes my ankles puff up.这种药把我的脚腕弄肿了。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+advbe puffed up with 'pride, self-im'portance,etc. 4.to be too full of pride, self-importance, etc.骄傲自满;妄自尊大:She was so puffed up with conceit she didn’t notice people were avoiding her.她太自以为是了,没有注意到人们都在躲着她。

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