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readread[riːd](read,read ) ,read sth 'back 1.to read a message, a letter etc.aloud in order to check that it is correct读出﹙以便核对﹚:I got her to read the message back to me to make sure it was right.我让她把便条给我读了一遍,以确保没什么错。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,read sth 'into sth 2.to think that something has a meaning or an importance that it probably does not have认为有更深层含义;作过多的理解:It’s a mistake to read too much into the results of one opinion poll.凭一次民意调查结果作过多的推想是不对的。You can read anything you want into horoscopes.占星术算命任你诠释。Her voice was cold and I wasn’t sure what to read into it.她的声音很冷淡,我弄不清该作何理解。[OBJ]too much,something,anything[G]v+n/pron+prep,read sth 'off 3.to look at the measurement shown on a machine or other measuring device看读数:The speed can be calculated or read off from the graph.可以计算速度, 或从图表读取。I looked at the thermometer and read off the temperature.我看了看温度计上的读数。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,read 'on 4.to continue reading继续读;接着读:The book was so exciting he read on until dawn.那本书太精彩了,他一口气读到天亮。The idea is to make the reader want to read on.目的是吸引读者继续读下去。If you want to find out more, read on! 要知道后事如何,就接着读吧![G]v+adv,read sth 'out (to sb) 5.to read sth aloud, especially to other people读﹙给某人听﹚;朗读:She read out the names of the winners.她宣读了获胜者的名字。The teacher read my poem out to the class.老师在班上朗读了我的诗。There’s a letter from Tom. Shall I read it out to you? 汤姆来信了。要不要读给你听?6.(especially AmE, computing) to get back information that is stored on a computer; to produce a display of the information on a screen读取,读出﹙数据﹚[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+speech'read-out n 7.(computing) a record or display of information on a computer screen﹙数据的﹚读取,读出:The computer will work out the best route for you and give you a read-out on the screen.计算机会为你设计出最佳路线并显示在屏幕上。,read sth 'through (also ,read sth 'overless frequent)8.to read something from the beginning to the end, usually in order to find any mistakes通读﹙以便核对或检查﹚:I read through my translation, checking for mistakes.我从头到尾核对我的译文。When she read her letter through the next day, she decided not to send it.第二天她把信通读之后便决定不发了。When she’d finished, Emily read over what she’d written.她写完以后,埃米莉细读了一遍。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,read 'up on sb/sth; ,read sb/sth 'up(also ,read 'up about sb/sth less frequent)9.to read a lot about a particular subject in order to learn about it﹙就某课题﹚广泛阅读,博览群书:Have you been reading up on the history of the island?你是不是一直在阅读有关这个岛的历史? I’ve been reading this place up in the library.我一直在图书馆查阅有关这个地方的资料。[G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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