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rearrear[rɪə]'rear sb/sth on sth 1.to give a person or an animal a particular type of food, entertainment, etc.when they are young﹙用…﹚餵养;﹙以…﹚娱乐,培养:I was reared on jazz, but later discovered rock.我小时候听的都是爵士乐,后来才发现了摇磙乐。2.[NOTE]Rear sb/sth on sth is usually used in the passive. rear sb/sth on sth通常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prep,rear 'up3.if a horse, etc. rears up, it stands on its back legs with its front legs in the air﹙马等﹚用后腿直立:The horse reared up and she fell off.马用后腿直立起来把她摔了下去。4.if a building,cliff, etc. rears up, it seems to lean over you in a threatening way﹙楼房、峭壁等﹚危立,陡立:The cliff reared up before them.他们的面前山崖壁立。5.Rear is also used with these meanings,especially meaning 1. rear 也可作这些含义,尤其是第1 义:The horse reared and she fell off.马用后腿直立起来把她摔了下去。[G]v+adv

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