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riserise[rʌɪz](rose ;risen) ,rise a'bove sth (written)1.to not be affected or limited by problems, insults, etc.; to be able to deal with problems克服﹙障碍﹚;超越﹙界限﹚;战胜﹙困难﹚:She was able to rise above her disability.她能够战胜自身残疾。2.to be too wise or good to do sth wrong or to think or behave in the way other people do不为……所动;超脱:He had an unusual ability to rise above the prejudices of his generation.他有一种不寻常的能力,能够超脱同代人的偏见。There will always be gossip. You have to try and rise above it.流言蜚语总是会有的。你必须尽量置之不理。3.to be better than other similar things超群;出众;突出:Her articles never rise above the level of a gossip column.她的文章从未超出过漫谈栏的水平。[G]v+prep'rise to sth4.to deal successfully with a situation or problem that you do not expect or do not usually have to face成功处理﹙突发情况、问题等﹚:The job wasn’t easy but Sam was ready to rise to the challenge.那份工作并不轻松,可萨姆愿意面对挑战。The play was a challenge for the actors but they rose to the occasion .这部戏剧对于演员们是个挑战,但他们应付裕如。5.to react when sb is deliberately trying to make you angry or get you interested in sth上当;上漖; 进圈套:I refuse to rise to that sort of comment.我拒绝对那样的评论作出反应。I decided to flatter him and he rose to the bait (=}he reacted in the way that I wanted&b{).我决定奉承他,结果他上漖了。[G]v+prep,rise 'up 6.(against sb/sth) (formal) to start to fight against or refuse to obey people in authority, for example a government or king反抗;起义;反叛:The people rose up against the invaders.人们起来抗击侵略者。[synonym]rebel (against sb/sth) 7.(literary) to appear as a tall shape above the surroundings高耸;矗立:A magnificent palace rose up before her.一座富丽堂皇的宫殿矗立在她的面前。[G]v+adv'uprising n 8.a situation in which a group of people join together to fight against or to refuse to obey people in authority起义;暴动;造反:The uprising was ruthlessly suppressed.起义被残酷地镇压下去。

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