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rollroll[rəʊl],roll a'round (BrE also ,roll 'round) (informal) 1.(BrE also ,roll a'bout) to be laughing so much that you can hardly control yourself大笑不止:Her speech had everyone rolling around with laughter.她的话令大家笑得前仰后合。2.(of a regular event定期活动) to arrive; to happen at the usual time举行;进行:We have to be ready when election time rolls around again.我们必须为下次选举作好准备。[synonym]come round,come around[G]v+adv,roll sth 'back 3.to reduce the amount of influence,power or importance that sth has; to change sth so that it is the opposite of what it was减少﹙影响、力量或重要性﹚;扭转:They were determined to roll back union power.他们决心削减工会的权力。4.to reduce prices,wages, etc.降低,削减﹙价格、工资等﹚:We must roll back inflation.我们必须减低通胀。[OBJ]prices 5.to make sth go back or further away使回复﹙原貌﹚;扩大领域:to roll back the frontiers of space/science 拓展太空/科学领域The former international football player rolled back the years with a brilliant performance last night (= }he played as he did when he was younger&b{).这位前世界级足球员昨晚展现了年轻时的丰采。[OBJ]frontiers[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare)'rollback (of sth ) n 6.(especially AmE) a reduction or decrease in sth回降;削减:a 2% rollback in taxes 减税2% 7.(computing) a return to the condition that existed before there was an error in a computer system回退;重算;重新运行,roll sth 'down 8.to open out a piece of clothing, etc. that has been folded over and over展开,铺开,摊开﹙卷状物﹚:She rolled down her sleeves.她放下了衣袖。[OBJ]sleeves9.to lower sth; to open a window in a car, especially by turning a handle放低;摇开﹙车窗﹚:He rolled down the car window and waved to us.他摇下车窗向我们招手。[OBJ]car window[opposite]roll sth up[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,roll 'in (informal)10.to arrive in great numbers or quantities大量涌入;磙磙而来:Offers of help continue to roll in.不断有人表示愿意提供援助。11.to arrive somewhere, usually late and without being worried or sorry姗姗来迟:Rob finally rolled in at lunch time.到午饭时分,罗布终于慢吞吞地来了。[G]v+adv,roll 'on 12.(of time时间) to pass steadily流逝:As the years rolled on the painful memories began to fade.一年年过去了,痛苦的回忆开始淡忘。13.to continue without changing very much继续进行;持续:For the next few weeks the debate rolled on.在随后的几周里,争论一如既往地进行着。14.roll on ... (BrE, informal)used to say that you wish sth would come soon… 快来吧:Roll on summer! 夏天快点来到吧![G]v+adv,roll sb/sth 'out (informal, especially AmE)15.to use sb/sth to help you achieve sth动员;动用:He rolled out all his old friends to help him win the election.他发动了所有的老朋友帮他赢得选举。The Moscow Circus rolled out dancing bears to announce its arrival in North America.莫斯科马戏团出动跳舞熊来宣布他们来到了北美洲。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv,roll sth 'out 16.to make a substance such as pastry flat and thin by rolling sth over it将……轧平:Roll out the pastry with a clean rolling pin.用乾净的麵杖把油酥麵糰平。[OBJ]pastry,dough 17.to unfold sth that is in a roll and put it flat on the ground铺平, 展开﹙ 卷状物﹚ :I rolled out my sleeping bag and crawled in.我放开睡袋爬了进去。[opposite]roll sth up 18.to officially make a new product available to the public正式推出﹙新产品﹚;将……公之于世:The Air Force will roll out its new planes in November.空军的新型飞机将于十一月面世。[synonym]launch sth[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+advroll out the red 'carpet (for sb) 19.to treat sb like a very important visitor以贵宾般的礼节接待;隆重欢迎'roll-out n 20.an occasion when a company introduces a new product﹙新产品的﹚面世,问世:a roll-out ceremony 新产品上市仪式,roll 'over; ,roll sb/sth 'over 21.(of a person人)to turn from lying on one side of your body to the other side; to move sb in this way﹙使﹚躺着时转动身体:She rolled over onto her back.她翻了个身仰……着。I rolled the baby over and sat up.我把婴儿翻过来, 自己坐直身子。22.(of a vehicle, a boat, etc.车辆、船等) to turn onto its side or upside down; to move sth in this way﹙使﹚翻侧,翻转:The car rolled over into a ditch.汽车翻进了沟里。[synonym]turn over,turn sb/sth over[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv,roll sth 'over 23.(finance) to allow money that sb owes to be paid at a later date准许﹙将欠款﹚延期偿还; ﹙ 将债项﹚ 转期:The government agreed to roll over the debt.政府批准延期还债。[OBJ]debt,loan 24.(BrE) to add the prize money in a competition in a particular week to the prize money the next week, if no one has won it﹙将金额﹚累加到﹙下周奖金中﹚:This week’s lottery jackpot will be rolled over until next week.这个星期的彩金将加到下个星期。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'rollover n 25.[C] (BrE) a prize of money in a competition that is formed by adding the prize from one week when no one has won it to the prize for the next week累积奖金:This week there is a rollover of $14 million.本周的累积奖金是1 400 万元。a rollover jackpot/week 累积头奖;有累积奖金的一周26.[U] (finance) the act of allowing money that is owed to be paid at a later date﹙欠款的﹚延期偿还,转期,roll 'round (BrE)=ROLL AROUND,roll 'up (informal)27.to arrive到达:He finally rolled up an hour late.他最终迟到了一小时。Roll up! Roll up for the greatest show on earth! (= }used to invite people who are passing to come and form an audience&b{)快来看哪!快来看世界上最精彩的表演吧![G]v+adv,roll sth 'up 28.to turn the end of a piece of clothing over and over to make it shorter卷起,挽起﹙ 衣服﹚ :He rolled up his sleeves and started washing the dishes.他挽起衣袖开始洗盘子。[OBJ]sleeves,trousers[opposite]roll sth down 29.to fold sth to make the shape of a tube or a ball把……卷起来:She rolled up the sleeping bag.她卷起了睡袋。[opposite]roll sth out 30.to close the window in a car, especially by turning a handle;to raise sth摇上﹙车窗﹚;将……升高:She rolled up the window and drove off.她摇上车窗把车开走了。[OBJ]car window[opposite]roll sth down[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'roll-up n 31.(BrE, informal) a cigarette that you make yourself by rolling tobacco in special paper烟卷;卷烟:Simon lit a roll-up.西蒙点了根烟卷。

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