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roundround[raʊnd],round sth 'down (to sth) =ROUND STH UP/DOWN (TO STH),round sth 'off1.(AmE also ,round sth 'out) (with sth ) to end or complete sth in a satisfactory way圆满结束;圆满完成:We rounded off the meal with coffee.那一餐以一杯咖啡圆满结束。The team rounded off a successful season with another brilliant victory.这个队再一次大获全胜,圆满结束了硕果累累的赛季。The evening was rounded off with a disco.晚会以一曲迪斯科圆满结束。[OBJ]the day,the evening 2.to give a smooth curved shape to the edge of sth除去……的稜角;使……的边缘光滑:I rounded off the corners with sandpaper.我用砂纸把稜角打磨光滑。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'round on sb 3.to suddenly speak angrily to sb and criticize or attack them突然责骂﹙或指责﹚:He rounded on her angrily and told her to keep her mouth shut.他突然怒气冲冲地嗬斥了她并让她闭嘴。[G]v+prep,round sth 'out (AmE)=ROUND STH OFF 1,round sb/sth 'up 4.to bring together a number of people, animals or objects in one place将……聚拢起来;使聚集:to round up cattle/sheep 圈起牛/羊The gang were rounded up and put in jail.这个帮派被逮捕并且投进了监狱。(humorous) We’ve rounded up some good speakers for the conference.我们为会议拉到了几个高水平的演讲人。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'round-up n 5.[usually sing.] 6.a brief summary of the most important points of news or sport,for example on a television or radio news programme新闻摘要;综合报道:a news round-up综合新闻报道a round-up of the day’s events今日赛事综述7.an act of bringing people or animals together in one place聚集;聚拢;驱集:a round-up of wild ponies 对野生矮马的圈起a round-up of suspects 嫌疑犯的集中拘押,round sth 'up/ 'down (to sth)8.to increase/decrease a number to the next highest or lowest whole number﹙把数字﹚上捨入,下捨入;﹙将数字调高或调低﹚使成为整数:He rounded the price down to $900.他把价格捨为900 元。Totals should be rounded up to the nearest whole number.总数应该捨为最接近的整数。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n

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