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rubrub[rʌb](-bb-) ,rub a'gainst sb/sth; ,rub 'up against sb/sth1.if an animal rubs (up) against sb/sth, it moves backwards and forwards and presses itself against them/it﹙ 动物﹚ 在……上蹭:The cat rubbed (up) against her legs.猫蹭着她的腿。[G]v+prep ◆ v+adv+prep,rub a'long (with sb/together) (BrE, informal)2.to live or work together with sb in a satisfactory way﹙与某人﹚相处融洽:We rub along all right with the neighbours.我们和邻居处得很融洽。[synonym]get on/along (with sb/together)[G]v+adv,rub sb/sth 'down; ,rub yourself 'down 3.to rub the skin of a person, an animal, etc. with sth such as a towel, to make it clean and dry将﹙人、动物等﹚擦乾净:She rubbed herself down with a towel.她用毛巾擦乾身体。After exercise each horse must be rubbed down.训练之后必须把每匹马都擦乾净。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'rub-down n 4.[usually sing.] an act of rubbing sb/sth yourself with a towel, for example﹙用毛巾等的﹚擦身,擦乾see also RUB-DOWN at RUB STH DOWN,rub sth 'down 5.(especially BrE) to make sth clean by wiping it with a cloth, etc.﹙用布等﹚将……擦乾净,揩乾净:Rub the walls down well before painting them.上漆之前先把墙壁擦乾净。6.to make the surface of sth smooth by rubbing it with special paper, etc.﹙用专用的纸等﹚将某物打磨光滑:He rubbed the woodwork down with sandpaper.他用砂纸把木结构的部份打磨光滑。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'rub-down n 7.[usually sing.] (especially BrE) 8.an act of cleaning the surface of sth with a cloth,etc.擦拭;揩;抹9.an act of rubbing the surface of sth to make it smooth打磨;磨光see also RUB-DOWN at RUB SB/STH DOWN,RUB YOURSELF DOWN,rub sth 'in 10.to say sth to sb which reminds them of sth that they feel embarrassed or guilty about and would like to forget提及令人尴尬﹙或愧疚﹚的事; 触及痛处:I already know it was my fault — there’s no need to rub it in .我知道是我错了─没必要再提了。Was he trying to rub in the fact that he didn’t like me? 他是不是想重申他不喜欢我?[OBJ]it11.[NOTE]Rub sth in is not used in the passive. rub sth in 不用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+nrub sb’s 'nose in it 12.to remind sb of sth they feel embarrassed or guilty about and would like to forget揭疮疤;不断提起某人以往的过失,rub sth 'in; ,rub sth 'into sth 13.to spread a substance over a surface while pressing firmly with your fingers, a cloth, etc.涂;抹;搽:Rub the lotion into your skin with your fingers.用手指将润肤液揉进皮肤里。Spray on the polish and rub it in well.喷上上光蜡并打匀。[OBJ]cream,lotion[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,rub 'off (on/onto sb)14.if sth, such as a good quality that sb has, rubs off onto you, you gain some of that quality by spending time with the person﹙良好品质等﹚感染,传给:Let’s hope some of his good luck rubs off on me! 希望他的好运能分给我一些吧!None of her love for nature has rubbed off onto her children.她对大自然的热爱一点都没有传给她的孩子。[G]v+adv,rub 'off; ,rub sth 'off; ,rub sth 'off sth 15.to be removed from sth by rubbing; to remove sth from sth by rubbing﹙被﹚擦掉,抹掉:Somebody’s used the wrong kind of pen on the whiteboard and it won’t rub off.有人在白写字板上用错了笔,擦不掉了。He quickly rubbed mud off his face.他迅速擦掉了脸上的泥。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,rub sb 'out (AmE, slang)16.to murder sb干掉;做掉:He was rubbed out before he could give evidence.他还没来得及作证就被人做了。[synonym]bump sb off (informal),do away with sb (informal),murder sb17.[NOTE]Rub sb out is often used in the passive. rub sb out 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,rub sth 'out (BrE)18.to remove the marks made by a pen, pencil, piece of chalk, etc. from a piece of paper, a board, etc.擦掉﹙字迹等﹚:Draw the outline with a soft pencil, so that you can rub it out later.用软铅笔勾画轮廓,以便以后能擦去。[synonym]erase sth (more formal)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,rub 'up against sb/sth =RUB AGAINST SB/STH,RUB UP AGAINST SB/STH

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