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savesave[seɪv]'save on sth;'save sth on sth 1.to use less of sth or not more than necessary﹙在…上﹚节省…,节约:He saved on electricity by using candles.他使用蜡烛以便省电。Get your tickets early and save $5 on the cost of an adult ticket.早点买票,成人票可少花5元钱。[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep,save 'up; ,save sth 'up (for sth) 2.to keep your money instead of spending it, especially because you want to buy a particular thing﹙为某事﹚储蓄,攒钱:She’s saving up for a new computer.她在攒钱买新电脑。I saved up all my wages to buy my parents a present.我省下了全部工资给父母买礼物。3.[NOTE]Save and save sth are used more frequently with this meaning, especially in more formal English. savesave sth 较常作此义,尤用于正式英语。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,save sth 'up 4.to keep sth to use or enjoy in the future保存; 保留:I save up the week’s newspapers to read at weekends.我把一周的报纸攒到周末看。5.[NOTE]Save sth is used more frequently with this meaning, especially in more formal English. save sth 较常作此义,尤用于正式英语。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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