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sawsaw[sɔː](sawed,sawn, AmE also sawed,sawed) ,saw sth 'down 1.to cut sth down and bring it to the ground, using a tool with a long blade and sharp points along the edge (a saw )锯下;锯倒:We had to saw down two trees.我们只好锯掉两棵树。[OBJ]tree[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,saw sth 'off; ,saw sth 'off sth 2.to remove sth from sth by cutting it with a tool with a long blade and sharp points along the edge (a saw )﹙从…﹚锯掉,锯去:I sawed the lower branches off the apple tree.我锯掉了苹果树低处的树枝。[OBJ]branch[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep'sawn-off (BrE) (AmE 'sawed-off)3.[only before noun] (of a gun枪) having had the long tube through which the bullets are fired, (the barrel ),cut short锯短枪管的:a sawn-off shotgun 锯短枪管的猎枪,saw sth 'up (into sth) 4.to cut sth into pieces using a tool with a long blade and sharp points along one edge (a saw )把…锯成﹙小块或碎片﹚:All the trees were sawn up into logs.所有的树都被锯成一段段木材。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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