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sellsell[sɛl](sold,sold ) ,sell sth 'off 1.to sell all or part of an industry, a company or a piece of land售出,卖掉﹙产业、公司或土地﹚:Unwanted land next to the farm was sold off.农场附近闲置的那片地给卖掉了。The government decided to sell off state companies.政府决定出售国有公司。[OBJ]assets,land,business,company2.to sell things cheaply because you no longer want them or because you need the money甩卖;抛售;变卖:The store is selling off the old stock.那家商店正在折卖旧存货。The family silver was sold off to pay the debts.家里的银器被变卖来还债。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'sell-off n (BrE)3.the sale by the government of an industry or a service to individual people or private companies﹙国有企业的﹚出售;私有化:the proposed sell-off of the rail company 建议的铁路公司私有化sell-off plans私有化计划4.(AmE, business) the sale of a large number of shares in a company, after which their value usually falls﹙公司证券的﹚抛售,sell sth 'on (to sb)5.to sell sth to sb else that you have bought not long before, usually in order to make a profit转卖;倒卖;倒手:She managed the business for a year and then sold it on.她把公司经营了一年,然后转卖了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+nbe 'sold on sth (informal)6.to be convinced that sth is very good相信…很好:I could see she was sold on the idea.我看得出她非常赞同这个主意。I’m not really sold on American music.我并不怎么喜欢美国音乐。[OBJ]idea[G]be+v+prep,sell 'out;be ,sold 'out7.if tickets for a concert,a game, etc. sell out or are sold out, they are all sold and there are none left﹙门票等﹚售光,卖完:The tickets for the game will sell out quickly.这场比赛的门票很快就会卖光。Tonight’s performance is completely sold out.今晚演出的门票全部售完。The first 5 000 copies of the book have sold out.这本书首次印刷的5 000 册已经卖完了。8.(also ,sell 'out of sth,be ,sold 'out of sth) if sb sells out of sth or is sold out of sth,they have sold all of it and have nothing left售空;卖光;脱销:I’m sorry, we’ve sold out of milk.抱歉, 我们的牛奶卖完了。We are already sold out for tonight’s concert.我们已经把今晚的音乐会门票卖光了。[G]v+adv ◆ be+v+adv2 }also&b{ v+adv+prep ◆ be+v+adv+prep'sell-out n 9.[usually sing.] a play, concert, etc.for which all the tickets have been sold满座的演出:The gig is a sell-out.这次演奏会座无虚席。a sell-out tour/crowd 场场爆满的巡迴演出/观众see also SELL-OUT }at&b{ SELL OUT (TO SB/STH),sell 'out (to sb/sth) (disapproving) 10.to ignore or change your principles or beliefs, especially to gain an advantage for yourself背弃﹙原则、信念等﹚;背叛… :The rest of the gang accused him of selling out to the law.这个团伙的其他人指责他告发了他们。a talented British movie director who’s sold out to Hollywood 一位卖身到好莱坞的有才华的英国电影导演11.to sell your business or a part of your business出售﹙ 财产、企业等﹚:The company sold out to its rival.公司卖给了对手。[G]v+adv'sell-out n 12.[usually sing.] a situation in which sb betrays sb who trusted them, by not doing sth that they promised to do, or by doing sth that they promised not to do背叛;出卖:a dreadful sell-out of their cause 对他们事业的严重背叛The deal was seen as a union sell-out to management.这项协议被视为工会背叛己方,投向资方。see also SELL-OUT }at&b{ SELL OUT,BE SOLD OUT,sell sb/sth 'out (to sb/sth)13.to betray sb﹙向…﹚出卖:They discovered who had sold them out to the enemy.他们弄清了是谁把他们出卖给了敌人。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,sell 'out of sth; be ,sold 'out of sth=SELL OUT;BE SOLD OUT 2 ,sell 'up; ,sell sth 'up 14.to sell your home, possessions,business, etc., usually because you need the money, are moving to another place or stopping work卖光﹙家当、企业等﹚:They sold up and moved to France.他们把家卖了,移居到法国。We decided to sell up everything and buy a farm.我们决定卖光所有财产,然后买个农场。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv

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