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sendsend[sɛnd](sent,sent ) ,send sb/sth a'head 1.to arrange for sb/sth to go or be taken to the place you are going to, before you arrive there提前运送某人﹙或物﹚;派某人打头阵:The rest of the equipment was sent ahead by air.其余的设备用飞机提前运走了。[G]v+n/pron+adv,send a'way (for sth)=SEND OFF (FOR STH) ,send sb a'way 2.to tell sb to leave把某人打发走:The reporters were sent away empty-handed }(= without any news)&b{.记者都被要求离开,空手而回。3.(to…) to arrange for sb to go somewhere away from home安排某人离开家﹙去某处﹚:He was sent away to boarding school at the age of 7.他7岁时就被送到了寄宿学校。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent),send sb/sth 'back(to sb/sth) 4.to return sb/sth to where they/it came from把…退回;遣返:The refugees were sent back to their own country.难民被遣送回国。You can send the goods back if you’re not satisfied.不满意可退货。[synonym]return sb/sth (to sb/sth) (more formal)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+nsend sb 'down (BrE)5.(informal) to send sb to prison判﹙某人﹚入狱:He was sent down for ten years.他给判了十年监禁。[synonym]put sb away6.(old-fashioned) to make a student leave a university,especially Oxford or Cambridge, because of bad behaviour开除学籍;勒令退学﹙尤指离开牛津或剑桥大学﹚ :She was sent down from Oxford.她被牛津大学开除了。[synonym]expel sb7.[NOTE]Send sb down is often used in the passive. send sb down 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'send for sb 8.to send a message to sb to ask them to come and see you, especially in order to help you请某人来﹙帮忙等﹚:Send for a doctor.请大夫来吧。[OBJ]doctor,police[synonym]call sb in9.Send for sb can be used in the passive. send for sb 可用于被动语态:Has the doctor been sent for? 请大夫了吗?[G]v+prep'send for sth 10.to ask sb to bring or deliver sth to you让人带来﹙或送来﹚某物:Send for an ambulance.叫救护车吧。Have you sent for a catalogue }(= by post/mail)&b{? 你索要目录了吗?11.Send for sth can be used in the passive. send for sth 可用于被动语态:More equipment has been sent for.已经要求发送更多设备来。[G]v+prep,send sb 'in 12.to order sb to go to a place to deal with a difficult situation派人去﹙应付困难局面﹚:Troops were sent in to restore order.已派部队前去恢复秩序。[OBJ]troops,police,army13.to tell sb to go into a room, where sb else is waiting to see them让某人进去﹙会面﹚:Send the next candidate in, please.请下一位申请人进来。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,send sth 'in 14.to send sth by post/mail to a place where it will be dealt with寄到某处﹙处理﹚:500 schools sent in entries for the competition.有500 所学校寄了参赛作品。Viewers are invited to send in their suggestions for the programme.欢迎观众来信提出有关本节目的建议。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,send 'off (also ,send a'way especially AmE) (for sth ) 15.to write to sb and ask them to send you sth by post/mail函索:If you save enough packets, you can send off and get a free toy.攒够包装纸可来信免费索取玩具。You can send off for a free booklet.可来信免费索取小册子。[synonym]write away/off (to sb) (for sth )[G]v+adv,send sb 'off 16.(for sth) (BrE) (in a sports game 体育比赛) to make sb leave the field because they have broken the rules of the game罚某人下场:He was sent off for a foul.他因犯规被罚下场。Three players got sent off in the first half.上半场比赛有三名运动员被罚下场。[OBJ]player17.[NOTE]In this meaning send sb off is often used in the passive. send sb off 作此义时常用于被动语态。18.(to …) to ask or tell sb to go somewhere派某人去;派遣:The bank sent him off for four months study at Harvard.银行派他去哈佛进修四个月。I always send the kids off to school looking clean and tidy.我总是让孩子们乾净整洁地去上学。The men were sent off to find water.那些人被派出去找水。[G]1 v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n2 v+n/pron+adv,sending-'off n 19.(BrE) (in a sports game 体育运动) a situation when a player is told to leave the field because they have broken the rules判罚下场;罚出场外:It’s his third sending-off this year.这是他今年第三次被罚下场了。The match saw three penalties and two sendings-off.比赛有三次罚球,两人罚下场。'send-off n 20.(informal) an occasion when people come together to say goodbye to sb who is leaving送行;送别:She was given a good send-off by all her colleagues.她受到了所有同事的热情欢送。,send sth 'off (to sb)21.to send sth by post/mail寄某物﹙给某人﹚;邮寄:Have you sent that letter off yet? 你把信寄出了吗?[OBJ]letter,parcel[synonym]mail sth off (to sb) (AmE),post sth off (to sb) (BrE)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,send sth 'on22.(to…) to send a letter, etc. that has arrived at sb’s old address to their new one转寄,转投﹙信件等﹚:I’ve asked a neighbour to send on any important letters.我已经请一位邻居帮忙转寄重要信件。[OBJ]letter[synonym]forward sth (to sb/sth) (more formal) 23.(to sb/sth) to send sth you have received to sb else for them to see or deal with转送;转递;转达:I’ll send the photos on to you.我会把照片转给你。24.to send sth to a place so that it arrives before you get there先期发运﹙或送达﹚:We sent our furniture on by ship.我们提前把傢具水运过去了。We’ve arranged for your belongings to be sent on.我们已经安排把你的东西提前发送。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,send sb 'out 25.to send sb somewhere for a particular purpose派某人到别处﹙担负任务等﹚;派遣:I’ll ask them to send someone out straightaway to fix the car.我会请他们马上派人修理汽车的。If I’m not back by midnight, send out a search party! 如果我半夜还回不来,就派出搜索队![G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,send sth 'out 26.to send sth to a lot of different people or places分发;散发:I sent out fifty invitations.我发出了五十份请柬。Have we sent letters out to all the applicants? 我们给所有的申请人都发信了吗?[OBJ]letter,information[synonym]mail sth out27.to produce sth, such as light, a signal,sound, etc.发出﹙光、信号、声音等﹚:a fire sending out waves of warmth 散发着热浪的火His brain was sending out warning signals telling him to be careful.他的头脑不断发出信号提醒他小心。[OBJ]signal[synonym]emit sth (more formal)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,send 'out for sth 28.to ask a restaurant or shop/store to deliver food to you at home or at work请﹙某店﹚送来外卖食物:We could send out for a takeaway.我们可以订一份外卖。[G]v+adv+prep,send sb/sth 'up (BrE, informal)29.to make people laugh, especially by copying them/it in an amusing way滑稽模仿某人﹙或事物﹚:a TV programme that sends up politicians 模仿取笑政治人物的电视节目Everyone was sending her up.大家都在模仿取笑她。The teacher heard me sending up her accent.老师听到我怪声怪调地模仿她的口音。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare)'send-up n 30.(BrE, informal) an act of making sb/sth look silly by copying them in an amusing way﹙对人或事物的﹚滑稽模仿:The movie is a hilarious send-up of the Hollywood western.这部电影是对好莱坞西部片的滑稽模仿。

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