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1fid fid
/ fId /
1. (chieflyBrit. or Nautical)a thick peg, wedge, or supporting pin, in particular
[主英航海] 大钉(或栓、楔),尤指
  a square wooden or iron bar which takes the weight of a topmast stepped to a lower mast by being passed through holes in both masts
• 桅栓
  a conical pin or spike used in splicing rope
• (接绳用的圆锥形)尖钉
1. early 17th cent.: of unknown origin
2Fid. Def. Fid. Def.
for abbreviation
1. Fidei Defensor
• 同 Fidei Defensor 见 Defender of the Faith
3fiddle fiddle
/ 5fidl /
1. [informal] a violin
[非正式] 小提琴
2. (informal, chiefly Brit.)an act of defrauding, cheating, or falsifying
[非正式,主英] 欺骗,欺诈;伪造;骗局
 »a major mortgage fiddle.
3. [informal] a small task that seems awkward and unnecessarily complex
[非正式] 繁琐的小麻烦
 »inserting a tape is a bit of a fiddle.
4. [Nautical] a contrivance, such as a raised rim, that prevents things from rolling or sliding off a table in bad weather
[航海] 餐桌围框
verb, [informal] [非正式]
1. [no obj.] touch or fidget with something in a restless or nervous way
• (紧张、不安地)抚弄,摆弄,拨弄
 »Lena fiddled with her cup.
  tinker with something in an attempt to make minor adjustments or improvements
• (为稍加调整或改进而)摆弄,倒腾
 »he sat in the car and played the radio, fiddling with the knobs.
  (fiddle around)pass time aimlessly, without doing or achieving anything of substance
• 虚度光阴,混时间
2. [with obj.] (chiefly Brit.)falsify (figures, data, or records), typically in order to gain money
[主英] (尤指为赚钱而)伪造,篡改,谎报(数字,数据,记录)
 »everyone is fiddling their expenses.
3. [no obj.] (archaic)play the violin
[古] 拉小提琴
fiddle while Rome burns
1. be concerned with relatively trivial matters while ignoring the serious or disastrous events going on around one
• 只顾小事,不看大局
(as) fit as a fiddle
1. in very good health
• 非常健康
on the fiddle
1. [informal] engaged in cheating or swindling
[非正式] 行骗
play second fiddle to
1. take a less important and subordinate role to someone or something in a way often considered demeaning
• 屈居人下;屈从;迁就
 »she had to play second fiddle to the interests of her husband.
1. Old English fithele, denoting a violin or similar instrument (originally not an informal or depreciatory term), related to Dutch vedel and German Fiedel, based on Latin vitulari 'celebrate a festival, be joyful', perhaps from Vitula, the name of a Roman goddess of joy and victory.
--› compare viol
4fiddle-back fiddle-back
1. [usu. as modifier] a thing shaped like the back of a violin, with the sides deeply curved inwards, in particular
• 小提琴琴背式物品,尤指
  the back of a chair
• 椅背
  the front of a chasuble
• 十字褡襟
2. (fiddleback)[mass noun] a rippled effect in the grain of fine wood, often exploited when making the backs of violins
• (常用来制作小提琴琴背的上等木材的)波状纹理
 »[as modifier] fiddleback mahogany.
5fiddle-de-dee fiddle-de-dee
/ 7fIdldi:5di: /
1. [mass noun] [often as exclamation] [dated] nonsense
[旧] 胡说,胡言乱语
1. late 18th cent.: from fiddle + a reduplication without meaning
6fiddle-faddle fiddle-faddle
/ 5fid(E)lfAd(E)l /
1. [mass noun] trivial matters; nonsense
• 琐事;胡言乱语
 »he's concerned with petty fiddle-faddle about his personal arrangements.
 »[as exclamation] Are you as fit as you say you are? Fiddle-faddle!.
1. [no obj.] mess about; fuss
• 瞎忙,瞎混;忙乱;惊慌
 »you haven't time to fiddle-faddle about like that.
1. late 16th cent.: reduplication of fiddle
7fiddlehead fiddlehead
/ 5fidlhed /
1. (也作 fiddlehead fern 或 fiddlehead green)[N. Amer.] the young, curled, edible frond of certain ferns
[北美] (某些蕨类植物可食用的)拳卷叶芽
2. a scroll-like carving at a ship's bows
• (船首卷轴状)艏饰
8fiddle pattern fiddle pattern
1. [mass noun] a style of spoons and forks, with handles shaped like the body of a violin
• 小提琴形柄的刀(或叉)
9fiddler fiddler
/ 5fidlE /
1. [informal] a person who plays the violin, especially one who plays folk music
[非正式] (尤指演奏民间音乐的)小提琴手
2. [Brit. informal] a person who cheats or swindles, especially one indulging in petty theft
[英,非正式] 骗子;小偷小摸者
1. Old English fithelere, from fithele (see fiddle )
10fiddler crab fiddler crab
1. a small amphibious crab, the males of which have one greatly enlarged claw which they wave in territorial display and courtship
• 招潮蟹
2. Genus Uca, family Ocypodidae
• 招潮属,沙蟹科
11Fiddler's Green Fiddler's Green
1. the sailor's Elysium, traditionally a place of wine, women, and song
• 水手乐园(通常有美酒、女人和歌舞)
12fiddlestick fiddlestick
/ 5fidEstik /
1. (fiddlesticks)nonsense
• 胡说,胡言乱语
1. [informal] a violin bow
[非正式] 小提琴琴弓
13fiddling fiddling
/ 5fidliN /
1. annoyingly trivial or petty
• 琐碎的;微不足道的
 »fiddling little details.
2. [attrib.] [informal] (of a person) involved with a swindle or embezzlement
[非正式] (人)诈骗的;弄虚作假的
 »a fiddling financier.
14fiddly fiddly
(fiddlier, fiddliest)
1. [Brit. informal] complicated or detailed and awkward to do or use
[英,非正式] 精巧而难弄的,需要手巧的
 »replacing the battery is fiddly.
15Fidei Defensor Fidei Defensor
/ 7faIdIaI dI5fZnsC:, 7fi:deIi: /
1. Latin term for Defender of the Faith
[拉丁] Defender of the Faith
1. Latin
16fideism fideism
/ 5fi:dei7izm /
1. [mass noun] the doctrine that knowledge depends on faith or revelation
• 信仰主义,僧侣主义(认为知识依赖于信仰或启示)
fideist noun
fideistic adjective
1. late 19th cent.: from Latin fides 'faith' + -ism
17fidelity fidelity
/ fi5deliti /
noun, [mass noun]
1. faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support
• 忠诚,忠实,忠贞
 »he sought only the strictest fidelity to justice.
  sexual faithfulness to a spouse or partner
• (对配偶或搭档的)忠贞
  the degree of exactness with which something is copied or reproduced
• 保真度,逼真度
 »the 1949 recording provides reasonable fidelity.
1. late Middle English: from Old French fidelite or Latin fidelitas, from fidelis 'faithful', from fides 'faith'.
--› compare fealty
18fidelity insurance fidelity insurance
1. [mass noun] insurance taken out by an employer against losses incurred through dishonesty by employees
• 忠实保险
19fidget fidget
/ 5fIdVIt /
(fidgeted, fidgeting)
1. [no obj.] make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience
• 坐立不安;手足无措
 »the audience had begun to fidget on their chairs.
  be impatient or uneasy
• 焦急难耐,烦躁,不安
 »[with infinitive] he was fidgeting to get back to his shop.
  [withobj.] make (someone) uneasy or uncomfortable
• 使(某人)不安(或烦躁、不适)
 »she fidgets me with her never-ending spit and polish.
1. a quick, small movement, typically a repeated one, caused by nervousness or impatience
• 坐立不安;动来晃去
 »he disturbed other people with convulsive fidgets.
  a person given to such movements, especially one whom other people find irritating
• (尤指讨人厌的)坐立不安者
  [一般作 fidgets] a state of mental or physical restlessness or uneasiness
• (身心)紧张,不安,烦躁
 »a marketing person full of nervous energy and fidgets.
fidgeter noun
fidgetiness noun
fidgety adjective
1. late 17th cent.: from obsolete or dialect fidge 'to twitch'; perhaps related to Old Norse fikja 'move briskly, be restless or eager'
20fidget pie fidget pie
1. [Brit.] a savoury pie containing onions, apples, bacon, and sometimes potatoes
[英] 费杰馅饼(一种开胃饼,用洋葱、苹果、熏肉制成有时还加土豆)
1. late 18th cent. (as fitchet-pie): perhaps from fitchet, a dialect word for 'polecat', because of the strong, unpleasant odour of the pie during cooking. The change in spelling of the first word was due to association with fidget



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