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1flu flu
/ flu: /
1. [mass noun] influenza
• 流行性感冒,流感
 »she was in bed with flu.
flu-like adjective
1. mid 19th cent.: abbreviation
2flub flub
/ flQb /
[N. Amer. informal] [北美,非正式]
(flubbed, flubbing)
1. [with obj.] botch or bungle (something)
• 搞坏,把…搞得一团糟
 »she glanced at her notes and flubbed her lines.
 »[no obj.] don't flub again.
1. a thing badly or clumsily done; a blunder
• 搞糟的事情;错误,过失
 »the textbooks are littered with flubs.
1. 1920s: of unknown origin
3fluctuant fluctuant
/ 5flQktjuEnt /
1. (poetic/literary)fluctuating ; unstable
[诗/文] 波动的,起伏的;不稳定的
1. mid 16th cent.: from Old French undulating', from Latin fluctuare 'undulate'
4fluctuate fluctuate
/ 5flQktjueit /
1. [no obj.] rise and fall irregularly in number or amount
• (数量)不规则波动,起伏
 »trade with other countries tends to fluctuate from year to year.
 »[as adj. fluctuating] a fluctuating level of demand.
fluctuation noun
1. mid 17th cent.: from Latin fluctuat- 'undulated', from the verb fluctuare, from fluctus 'flow, current, wave', from fluere 'to flow'
5flue flue
/ flu: /
1. a duct for smoke and waste gases produced by a fire, a gas heater, a power station, or other fuel-burning installation
• 烟道,气体管
 »[as modifier] flue gases.
  a channel for conveying heat
• 供暖管
1. late Middle English (denoting the mouthpiece of a hunting horn): of unknown origin. Current senses date from the late 16th cent
6flue-cure flue-cure
1. [with obj.] [often as adj. flue-cured] cure (tobacco) using heat from pipes or flues connected to a furnace
• 热气烤干(烟叶)
7fluellen fluellen
/ flJ5ZlIn /
1. a small creeping Eurasian plant with yellow and purple flowers, widely occurring in cornfields
• 蟹状草
2. Genus Kickxia, family Scrophulariaceae: two species
• 蟹状草属,玄参科:2种
1. mid 16th cent.: alteration of Welsh llysiau Llywelyn 'Llewelyn's herbs'; compare with Fluellen, used by Shakespeare to represent the Welsh name Llywelyn
8fluence fluence
/ fluEns /
1. [mass noun] [Brit. informal] mysterious, magical, or hypnotic power
[英,非正式] 神秘的影响,魔力,催眠术
 »you've put the fluence on me, haven't you?
1. early 20th cent.: shortening of influence
1. [Physics] a stream of particles crossing a unit area, usually expressed as the number of particles per second
[物理] 粒(子)流(量)密度
1. early 17th cent. (in the sense 'a flowing, a stream'): from French, from Latin fluentia, from fluere 'to flow'
9fluency fluency
/ 5flu:EnsI /
1. [mass noun] the quality or condition of being fluent, in particular
• 流畅,流利,尤指
  the ability to speak or write a particular foreign language easily and accurately
• 外语说写流利(或流畅)
 »fluency in Spanish is essential.
  the ability to express oneself easily and articulately
• 流畅的表达能力
  gracefulness and ease of movement or style
• (动作,风度)优美自如
 »the horse was jumping with breathtaking fluency.
1. early 17th cent.: from Latin fluentia, from fluere 'to flow'
10fluent fluent
/ 5flu:Ent /
1. (of a person) able to express oneself easily and articulately
• (人)表达流利的
 »a fluent speaker and writer on technical subjects.
  (of a person) able to speak or write a particular foreign language easily and accurately
• (人)外语说写流利的
 »she became fluent in French and German.
  (of a foreign language) spoken accurately and with facility
• (外语)口头流利表达的
 »he spoke fluent Spanish.
  (of speech, language, movement, or style) smoothly graceful and easy
• (讲话,语言,动作,风度)优美自如的
 »his style of play was fast and fluent.
  able to flow freely; fluid
• 畅流的;能流动的
 »a fluent discharge from the nose.
fluently adverb
1. late 16th cent. (also in the literal sense 'flowing freely or abundantly'): from Latin fluent- 'flowing', from the verb fluere
11flue pipe flue pipe
1. a pipe acting as a flue
• 烟道管
2. an organ pipe into which the air enters directly without striking a reed
• (管风琴)风管
12fluff fluff
/ flQf /
1. [mass noun] soft fibres from fabrics such as wool or cotton which accumulate in small light clumps
• 绒毛,软毛
 »he brushed his sleeve to remove the fluff.
  any soft downy substance, especially the fur or feathers of a young mammal or bird
• 绒毛似的东西(尤指幼小哺乳动物软毛或小鸟羽毛)
  (figurative)entertainment or writing perceived as trivial or superficial
[喻] 空洞(或肤浅)的娱乐节目(或作品)
 »the film is a piece of typical Hollywood fluff.
2. [informal] a mistake made in speaking or playing music, or by an actor in delivering their lines
[非正式] (说话、演奏或台词中的)错误
verb, [with obj.]
1. make (something) appear fuller and softer, typically by shaking or brushing it
• 把…拍松(或抖松、掸松)
 »I fluffed up the pillows.
2. [informal] fail to perform or accomplish (something) successfully or well (used especially in a sporting or acting context)
[非正式] (尤指体育、表演)出错,失误
 »the extra fluffed his only line.
1. late 18th cent.: probably a dialect alteration of 16th-cent. flue 'down, nap, fluff', apparently from Flemish vluwe
13flufftail flufftail
1. a small secretive African crake with a cocked tail and dark plumage, the male of which typically has a reddish-brown head
• 非洲长脚秧鸡
2. Genus Coturnicops (or Sarothura), family Rallidae: several species
• 鹌鹑属(或秧鸡属),秧鸡科:数种
14fluffy fluffy
/ 5flQfi: /
(fluffier, fluffiest)
1. of, like, or covered with fluff
• 绒毛的,似绒毛的,被绒毛覆盖的
 »fluffy white clouds.
 »a fluffy towel.
  (of food) light in texture and containing air
• (食物)松软的
 »cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.
2. [informal] (of a person, especially a woman) frivolous, silly, or vague
[非正式] (人,尤指女人)轻佻的,傻里傻气的,糊涂的
 »a fluffy gangster's moll.
  (chiefly N. Amer.)lacking substance, depth, or seriousness
[主北美] 空洞的,浅薄的,不严肃的
 »the commercial wallows in soft, fluffy, feel-good territory.
fluffily adverb
fluffiness noun
15flugelhorn flugelhorn
/ 5flu:ɡ(E)lhC:n /
1. a valved brass musical instrument like a cornet but with a broader tone
• 翼号
1. mid 19th cent.: from German Flügelhorn, from Flügel 'wing' + Horn 'horn'
16fluid fluid
/ 5flu:Id /
1. a substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas or (especially) a liquid
• 流体;气体,液体(尤指液体)
 »drink a litre of fluid a day.
 »[count noun] a cleaning fluid.
1. (of a substance) able to flow easily
• (物质)能流动的,易流动的
 »the paint is more fluid than tube watercolours.
 »a fluid medium.
  not settled or stable; likely or able to change
• 不固定的,不稳定的,易变的
 »our plans are still fluid.
 »the fluid political situation of the 1930s.
  smoothly elegant or graceful
• 优美的,流畅的
 »her movements were fluid and beautiful to watch.
  (of a clutch or coupling) using a liquid to transmit power
• (离合器,联轴节)液体传力的,液力的
fluidity noun
fluidly adverb
1. late Middle English (as an adjective): from French fluide or Latin fluidus, from fluere 'to flow'
17fluid drachm fluid drachm
--› see drachm
18fluidics fluidics
/ flu5idiks /
plural noun
1. [often treated as sing.] the study and technique of using small interacting flows and fluid jets for functions usually performed by electronic devices
• 射流学,流体学;射流技术,流控技术
fluidic adjective
19fluidize fluidize
/ 5flu:idaiz /
(也作 -ise), verb
1. [with obj.] (technical)cause (a finely divided solid) to acquire the characteristics of a fluid by passing a gas upwards through it
[技] 使(细粒固体)流化,使变成流体
fluidization noun
20fluidized bed fluidized bed
1. a layer of a fluidized solid, used in chemical processes and in the efficient burning of coal for power generation
• 流化床



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