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词根fore,英语fore,含fore的英语词汇有哪些,英语词根查询,前缀后缀|词汇|在线查询,fore 相关

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1fore fore
/ fC: /
1. [attrib.] situated or placed in front
• 前面的
 »the fore and hind pairs of wings.
1. the front part of something, especially a ship
• (尤指船)前部
1. called out as a warning to people in the path of a golf ball
• 躲开(高尔夫击球时警告前方人用语)
1. (也作 'fore). non-standard form of before:
[非规范] before :
 »many years will go by fore you have a Europound in your pocket.
to the fore
1. in or to a conspicuous or leading position
• 在(或进入)显著位置,在(或进入)首要位置
 »the succession issue came to the fore.
1. Old English (as a preposition, also in the sense 'before in time, previously'): of Germanic origin; related to Dutch voor and German vor. The adjective and noun represent the prefix fore- used independently (late 15th cent.)
2fore- fore-
/ fC: /
for combining
1. (added to verbs) in front
• [动词前]表示“在前面”
  beforehand; in advance
• 表示“早先”,“预先”
2. (added to nouns) situated in front of
• [名词前]表示“位于…前面”
  the front part of
• 表示“前部”
  of or near the bow of a ship
• 表示“船首,近船首”
  preceding; going before
• 表示“先前的”,“前述的”,“早先的v
1. Old English (see fore )
3fore and aft fore and aft
1. at the front and rear (often used with reference to a ship or plane)
• 头和尾(常指船或飞机)
 »we're moored fore and aft.
  backwards and forwards
• 前后
 »a sperm whale cannot see directly fore and aft.
adjective, [attrib.]
1. backwards and forwards
• 前面和后面的
 »the fore-and-aft motion of the handles.
  (historical)(of a man's hat) having three corners and a peak at the front and back
[史] (男帽)前后有檐的
  (of a sail or rigging) set lengthwise, not on the yards
• (帆,索具)纵帆的,无横帆的
 »a fore-and-aft rigged yacht.
  [N. Amer.] (of a road) constructed of logs laid end to end
[北美] (路)原木直铺的
1. early 17th cent.: perhaps translating a phrase of Low German origin; compare with Dutch van voren en van achteren
4forearm forearm
/ fC:r5B:m , fEJr- /
1. the part of a person's arm extending from the elbow to the wrist or the fingertips
• 前臂
1. [with obj.] [一般作 be forearmed] prepare (someone) in advance for danger, attack, or another undesirable future event
• 使(对危险等)预先作准备
5forebear forebear
/ 5fC:7beE , 5fEJr- /
(也作 forbear), noun
1. [一般作 one's forebears] an ancestor
• 祖先,祖宗
1. late 15th cent.: from fore + bear, variant of obsolete beer 'someone who exists' (from be + -er)
6forebode forebode
/ fC:5bEJd , fEJr- /
1. [with obj.] (archaic or poetic/literary)(of a situation or occurrence) act as an advance warning of (something bad)
[古或诗/文] (情形,事件)预示(不祥之事)
 »this lull foreboded some new assault upon him.
  have a presentiment of (something bad)
• 预感(不祥之事)
 »I foreboded mischief the moment I heard.
7foreboding foreboding
/ fC:5bEJdIN , fEJr- /
1. [mass noun] fearful apprehension; a feeling that something bad will happen
• 可怕的预感,凶兆;对不祥之事的预感
 »with a sense of foreboding she read the note.
1. implying or seeming to imply that something bad is going to happen
• 预示将发生不祥之事的
 »when the Doctor spoke, his voice was dark and foreboding.
forebodingly adverb
8forebrain forebrain
/ 5fC:7brein /
1. [Anatomy] the anterior part of the brain, including the cerebral hemispheres, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus
[剖] 前脑。(亦称 prosencephalon)
9forecabin forecabin
/ 5fC:7kAbin /
1. a cabin in the forward part of a vessel
• (船)前舱
10forecaddie forecaddie
/ 5fC:7kAdi /
(pl. -ies)
1. a caddie who goes ahead of golfers to see where the balls fall
• (观察球降落位置的)先头球童
11forecast forecast
/ 5fC:-kB:st /
(past and past participle -cast 或 -casted)
1. [with obj.] predict or estimate (a future event or trend)
• 预测,预报
 »rain is forecast for Scotland.
 »[with obj. and infinitive] coal consumption in Europe is forecast to increase.
1. a calculation or estimate of future events, especially coming weather or a financial trend
• 预报,预测(天气、财经等)
forecaster noun
12forecastle forecastle
/ 5fEuksl /
(也作 fo'c's'le), noun
1. the forward part of a ship below the deck, traditionally used as the crew's living quarters
• 艏楼;船前部水手舱
  a raised deck at the front of a ship
• 艏楼甲板
13forecheck forecheck
/ 5fC:tFek /
1. [no obj.] [Ice Hockey] play an aggressive style of defence, checking opponents before they can organize an attack
[冰球] 在对方守区阻截,前场阻截
forechecker noun
14foreclose foreclose
/ fC:5klEJz , fEJr- /
1. [no obj.] take possession of a mortgaged property as a result of someone's failure to keep up their mortgage payments
• (因抵押人未能还贷)止赎
 »the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage.
  [with obj.] take away someone's power of redeeming (a mortgage) and take possession of the mortgaged property
• 取消回赎(抵押品)的权利
2. [with obj.] rule out or prevent (a course of action)
• 排除,防止(行动)
 »the decision effectively foreclosed any possibility of his early rehabilitation.
foreclosure noun
1. Middle English: from Old French forclos, past participle of forclore, from for- 'out' (from Latin foras 'outside') + clore 'to close'. The original sense was 'bar from escaping', in late Middle English 'shut out', and 'bar from doing something' (sense 2), hence specifically 'bar someone from redeeming a mortgage' (sense 1, early 18th cent.)
15foreclosure foreclosure
/ fC:5klEuVE /
1. [mass noun] the process of taking possession of a mortgaged property as a result of someone's failure to keep up their mortgage repayments
• 对抵押财产的占有,回赎抵押品权利的取消
16forecourt forecourt
/ 5fC:kC:t /
1. an open area in front of a large building or petrol station
• 前院,前庭;(加油站)加油区
2. [Tennis] the part of the court between the service line and the net
[网球] 前场
17foredawn foredawn
1. (poetic/literary)the time before dawn
[诗/文] 拂晓
18foredeck foredeck
/ 5fC:dek /
1. the deck at the forward part of a ship
• 前甲板
19foredo foredo
/ fC:5du: /
1. variant spelling of fordo
• 同 fordo
20foredoom foredoom
/ fC:5du:m /
1. [with obj.] [一般作 be foredoomed] condemn beforehand to certain failure or destruction
• 预先就注定会(失败,毁灭)
 »the policy is foredoomed to failure.



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