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1form form
/ fC:m /
1. the visible shape or configuration of something
• 形状,轮廓
 »the form, colour, and texture of the tree.
  [mass noun] arrangement of parts; shape
• 结构;构造
 »the entities underlying physical form.
  the body or shape of a person or thing
• (人,物)形体,体型,身材
 »his eyes scanned her slender form.
  [mass noun] arrangement and style in literary or musical composition
• (文学、音乐作品)形式,模式
 »these videos are a triumph of form over content.
  [Philosophy] the essential nature of a species or thing, especially (in Plato's thought) regarded as an abstract ideal which real things imitate or participate in
[哲] (柏拉图哲学)形,形式,理式
2. a particular way in which a thing exists or appears; a manifestation
• 存在形式;表现形式
 »her obsession has taken the form of compulsive exercise.
  any of the ways in which a word may be spelled, pronounced, or inflected
• 词形,形式(词的拼写、发音或屈折变化)
 »an adjectival rather than adverbial form.
  [mass noun] the structure of a word, phrase, sentence, or discourse
• (词,短语,句,篇章)结构
 »every distinction in meaning is associated with a distinction in form.
3. a type or variety of something
• 种类,类型
 »sponsorship is a form of advertising.
  an artistic or literary genre
• (艺术,文学)类型,样式
  [Botany] a taxonomic category that ranks below variety, which contains organisms differing from the typical kind in some trivial, frequently impermanent, character, e.g. a colour variant
[植] 变型,型。(亦称 forma)
4. [mass noun] the customary or correct method or procedure; what is usually done
• 常规,规矩
 »the Englishman knew the form.
  [count noun] a set order of words; a formula
• 惯用语句;公式化语句
  [count noun] a formality or item of mere ceremony
• 仪式,惯例
 »the outward forms of religion.
5. a printed document with blank spaces for information to be inserted
• 表格
 »an application form.
6. (chiefly Brit.)a class or year in a school, usually given a specifying number
[主英] 年级(常与数字连用)
 »the fifth form.
7. [mass noun] the state of a sports player or team with regard to their current standard of play
• (运动员或运动队的)竞技状态
 »they are one of the best teams around on current form.
  details of previous performances by a racehorse or greyhound
• (赛马或赛狗的)成绩表
 »an interested bystander studying the form.
  a person's mood and state of health
• (人)精神状态,健康状态
 »she seemed to be on good form.
  [Brit. informal] a criminal record
[英,非正式] 犯罪记录
 »they both had form.
8. [Brit.] a long bench without a back
[英] 长板凳
9. [Printing, chiefly US] . variant spelling of forme
[印刷,主美] forme
10. [Brit.] a hare's lair
[英] (野兔)窝
11. another term for shuttering
• 同 shuttering
verb, [with obj.]
1. bring together parts or combine to create (something)
• 构成;创立
 »the company was formed in 1982.
  (form people/things into)organize people or things into (a group or body)
• 将人(或物)组织成
 »peasants and miners were formed into a militia.
  go to make up or constitute
• 构成,组成
 »the precepts which form the basis of the book.
  [no obj.] gradually appear or develop
• 逐渐出现(或形成)
 »a thick mist was forming all around.
  conceive (an idea or plan) in one's mind
• 构想出,想出
  enter into or contract (a relationship)
• 建立,订立(关系)
 »the women would form supportive friendships.
  articulate (a word, speech sound, or other linguistic unit)
• 清晰地发出(词,语音等)的音
  construct (a new word) by derivation or inflection
• 通过派生(或屈折变化)构成(新词)
2. make or fashion into a certain shape or form
• 使成形,制作
 » form the dough into balls.
  [no obj.] (form into)be made or fashioned into a certain shape or form
• 形成,被制成
 »his strong features formed into a smile of pleasure.
  (be formed)have a specified shape
• 具有特定形状
 »her body was slight and flawlessly formed.
  influence or shape (something abstract)
• 影响,形成(抽象事物)
 »the role of the news media in forming public opinion.
in (或主英
1. (of a sports player or team) playing or performing well
• (运动员,运动队)竞技状态良好
off (或主英
1. (of a sports player or team) not playing or performing well
• (运动员,运动队)竞技状态差
formability noun
formable adjective
1. Middle English: from Old French forme (noun), fo(u)rmer (verb, from Latin formare 'to form'), both based on Latin forma 'a mould or form'
form people/things up
1. (或 form up)(chiefly Military)bring or be brought into a certain arrangement or formation
[主军] 编队;组队
 »Mortimer formed up his troops for the march.
2forma forma
/ 5fC:mE /
(pl. formas 或 formae -miː)
1. [Botany] . another term for form (in sense 3)
[植] form [义项3]
3formal formal
/ 5fC:mEl /
1. done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette; suitable for or constituting an official or important situation or occasion
• 符合传统(或礼仪)的;正式的
 »a formal dinner party.
  (of a person or their manner) prim or stiff
• (人,态度)刻板的,拘谨的
  of or denoting a style of writing or public speaking characterized by more elaborate grammatical structures and more conservative and technical vocabulary
• (写作,演讲)正式的,庄重的
  (especially of a house or garden) arranged in a regular, classical, and symmetrical manner
• (尤指房子或花园)整齐的,布置井然的;古典的;匀称的
2. officially sanctioned or recognized
• 正式批准(或认可)的
 »a formal complaint.
  having a conventionally recognized form, structure, or set of rules
• 正规的
 »he had little formal education.
3. of or concerned with outward form or appearance, especially as distinct from content or matter
• (与)形式(有关)的
 »I don't know enough about art to appreciate the purely formal qualities.
  having the form or appearance without the spirit
• 表面化的,徒有形式的
 »the committee stage would be purely formal.
  of or relating to linguistic or logical form as opposed to function or meaning
• (语言,逻辑)形式的,与形式有关的
1. [N. Amer.] an evening dress
• 北美
  an occasion on which evening dress is worn
• 需穿晚礼服的场合
1. late Middle English: from Latin formalis, from forma 'shape, mould' (see form )
4formal cause formal cause
1. [Philosophy] (in Aristotelian thought) the pattern which determines the form taken by something
[哲] (亚里士多德哲学用语)形式因
5formaldehyde formaldehyde
/ fC:5mAldE7haId /
1. [mass noun] [Chemistry] a colourless pungent gas in solution made by oxidizing methanol
[化] 甲醛
2. Alternative name: methanal; chem. formula: CH2O
• 又名: methanal;化学分子式: CH2O
1. late 19th cent.: blend of formic acid and aldehyde
6formalin formalin
/ 5fC:mElin /
1. [mass noun] a colourless solution of formaldehyde in water, used chiefly as a preservative for biological specimens
• 甲醛溶液,福尔马林
1. late 19th cent.: from formaldehyde + -in
7formalism formalism
/ 5fC:mElizEm /
1. [mass noun] excessive adherence to prescribed forms
• 形式主义
 »academic dryness and formalism.
  the use of forms of worship without regard to inner significance
• 形式主义崇拜
  the basing of ethics on the form of the moral law without regard to intention or consequences
• 形式主义道德
  concern or excessive concern with form and technique rather than content in artistic creation
• 形式主义艺术
  (in the theatre) a symbolic and stylized manner of production
• (戏剧用语)形式主义演出风格
  the treatment of mathematics as a manipulation of meaningless symbols
• 形式论
2. [count noun] a description of something in formal mathematical or logical terms
• 形式体系
formalist noun
formalistic adjective
8formality formality
/ fC:5mAlIti: /
(pl. -ies)
1. [mass noun] the rigid observance of rules of convention or etiquette
• 拘泥形式,遵守礼节
 »the formality of life in an English public school.
  stiffness of behaviour or style
• (行为,风格)拘谨,僵硬
 »with disconcerting formality the brothers shook hands.
  [count noun] [一般作 formalities] a thing that is done simply to comply with requirements of etiquette, regulations, or custom
• 礼节;正式手续;俗套
 »legal formalities.
  (a formality)something that is done as a matter of course and without question; an inevitability
• 必做的俗套,必须履行的手续
 »promotion looks a formality.
1. mid 16th cent. (in the sense 'accordance with legal rules or conventions'): from French formalité or medieval Latin formalitas, from formalis (see formal )
9formalize formalize
/ 5fC:mElaiz /
(也作 -ise), verb, [with obj.]
1. give (something) legal or formal status
• 使正式化,给予…合法(或正式)地位
  give (something) a definite structure or shape
• 使成形,给予明确结构(或形状)
 »we became able to formalize our thoughts.
formalization noun
1. late 16th cent.: from formal + -ize partly influenced by French formaliser
10formally formally
/ 5fC:mElI /
1. in accordance with the rules of convention or etiquette
• 按传统(或礼仪)
 »he was formally attired.
2. officially
• 正式地
 »the Mayor will formally open the new Railway Centre.
3. [sentence adverb] in outward form or appearance; in theory
• 形式上,表面上;理论上
 »all Javanese are formally Muslims.
  in terms of form or structure
• 在形式(或结构)方面
 »formally complex types of text.
11Forman Forman
/ 5fC:mEn /
1. Milos (b.1932), Czech-born American film director. He made One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975), which won five Oscars, and Amadeus (1984), which won eight Oscars, including that for best director
• 福曼,米洛斯(生于1932年,捷克出生的美国电影导演,执导的《飞越疯人院》[1975]获五项奥斯卡奖,《莫扎特传》[1984]获八项奥斯卡奖,包括最佳导演奖)
12formant formant
/ 5fC:mEnt /
1. [Phonetics] any of the three characteristic pitch constituents of a vowel. In a high front vowel such as iː the formants are bunched closely together, whereas in a low back vowel such as a: they are further apart
[语音] 共振峰
1. early 20th cent.: coined in German from Latin formant- 'forming', from the verb formare
13format format
/ 5fC:mAt /
1. the way in which something is arranged or set out
• 安排,布局,设计,样式
 »the format of the funeral service.
  the shape, size, and presentation of a book or periodical
• (书,期刊)版式,开本
  the medium in which a sound recording is made available
• (录音制品)传播媒介
 »the album is available as a CD as well as on LP and cassette formats.
  [Computing] a defined structure for the processing, storage, or display of data
[计算机] (数据处理、存储或显示)格式
 »a data file in binary format.
(formatted, formatting)
1. [with obj.] (especially in computing) arrange or put into a format
• (尤作计算机用语)把…编排成格式,格式化
  prepare (a storage medium) to receive data
• 格式化(存储媒体)
1. mid 19th cent.: via French and German from Latin formatus (liber) 'shaped (book'), past participle of formare 'to form'
14formation formation
/ fC:5meiFEn /
1. [mass noun] the action of forming or process of being formed
• 形成,组成
 »the formation of the Great Rift Valley.
2. a thing that has been formed
• 形成的事物
 »strange black rock formations.
  a structure or arrangement of something
• 结构,排列
 »a cloud formation.
  a formal arrangement of aircraft in flight or troops
• (飞机,部队)队形,编队
 »a battle formation.
 »[mass noun] the helicopters hovered overhead in formation.
formational adjective
1. late Middle English: from Latin formatio(n-), from formare 'to form' (see form )
15formation dancing formation dancing
1. [mass noun] a variety of competitive ballroom dancing in which a team of couples dance a prepared routine
• 编队舞,集体舞,团体舞
16formative formative
/ 5fC:mEtIv /
1. serving to form something, especially having a profound and lasting influence on a person's development
• 形成的,对成长有深远影响的
 »his formative years.
  of or relating to a person's development
• (与)成长(有关)的
 »a formative assessment.
  [Linguistics] denoting or relating to any of the smallest meaningful units that are used to form words in a language, typically combining forms and inflections
[语言学] (与)构形成分(有关)的
1. [Linguistics] a formative element
[语言学] 构形成分
formatively adverb
1. late 15th cent.: from Old French formatif, -ive or medieval Latin formativus, from Latin formare 'to form' (see form )
17Formby Formby
/ 5fC:mbi /
1. George (1904–61), English comedian; born George Booth. He became famous for his numerous musical films in the 1930s in which he projected the image of a Lancashire working lad and accompanied his songs on the ukulele
• 福姆比,乔治(1904-1,英国喜剧家,出生名乔治•布思,20世纪30年代以众多音乐电影成名,在影片中塑造一兰开夏郡小工人形象,并用尤克里里琴为歌曲伴奏)
18form class form class
1. [Linguistics] a class of linguistic forms with grammatical or syntactic features in common; a part of speech or subset of a part of speech
[语言学] 类,形(式)类;词类,词类子集
19form criticism form criticism
1. [mass noun] analysis of the Bible by tracing the history of its content of parables, psalms, and other literary forms
• 形式考证(追溯《圣经》中寓言、圣歌等内容的历史)
20form drag form drag
1. [mass noun] [Aeronautics] that part of the drag on an aerofoil which arises from its shape. It varies according to the angle of attack and can be decreased by streamlining
[航天] 形阻,形状阻力



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