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1aerodynamic aerodynamic
/ 7ZErEudai5nAmik /
1. of or relating to aerodynamics
• (与)空气动力学(有关)的
 »aerodynamic forces.
  of or having a shape which reduces the drag from air moving past
• (减少空气阻力的)流线型的;具有流线型构造的
 »the plane has a more aerodynamic shape.
aerodynamically adverb
2aerodynamics aerodynamics
/ 7eErEJdaI5nAmIks /
plural noun
1. [treated as sing.] the study of the properties of moving air and especially of the interaction between the air and solid bodies moving through it
• 空气动力学
  [treated as pl.] the properties of a solid object regarding the manner in which air flows around it
• (固体的)空气动力性
  [treated as pl.] these properties in so far as they result in maximum efficiency of motion
• (固体的)最有效动力性
aerodynamicist noun
3anodyne anodyne
/ 5AnE7daIn /
1. not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull
• 不得罪人的;有点乏味的
 »anodyne music.
1. a painkilling drug or medicine
• 止痛剂
  (figurative)something which alleviates a person's mental distress
[喻] 减轻精神痛苦之物
 »an anodyne to the misery she had put him through.
1. mid 16th cent.: via Latin from Greek anōdunos 'painless', from an- 'without' + odunē 'pain'
4biodynamics biodynamics
/ 7baiEudai5nAmiks /
plural noun, [treated as sing.]
1. the study of physical motion or dynamics in living systems
• 生物动力学
2. a method of organic farming involving the observation of lunar phases and planetary cycles and the use of incantations and ritual substances
• 天象观测耕作法(用观察月相和行星运行周期、符咒及祭品等手段以助耕作的方法)
biodynamic adjective
5chlorodyne chlorodyne
/ 5klC(:)rEdain /
1. [mass noun] a preparation of chloroform and morphine formerly used to relieve pain
• 哥罗丁,氯仿吗啡酊
1. mid 19th cent.: blend of chloroform and anodyne
6chromodynamics chromodynamics
/ 7krEumEdai5nAmiks /
plural noun
--› see quantum chromodynamics
7dyn dyn
for abbreviation
1. dyne
• 同 dyne
8dynamic dynamic
/ dai5nAmik /
1. (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress
• (过程,系统)动态的;不断变化的
 »a dynamic economy.
  (of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas
• (人)有活力的,生气勃勃的
 »she's dynamic and determined.
  (of a thing) stimulating development or progress
• (某物)刺激发展(或进步)的,动力的
 »the dynamic forces of nature.
  [Physics] of or relating to forces producing motion
[物理] (与)动力(有关)的。 常与 static 相对
  [Linguistics] (of a verb) expressing an action, activity, event, or process
[语言学] (动词)动态的。 与 stative 相对
  [Electronics] (of a memory device) needing to be refreshed by the periodic application of a voltage
[电子] (存储器)动态的
2. [Music] relating to the volume of sound produced by an instrument, voice, or recording
[乐] (音)力度的;力度记号的
 »an astounding dynamic range.
1. a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process
• 动力
 »evaluation is part of the basic dynamic of the project.
2. [Music] . another term for dynamics (in sense 3)
[乐] dynamics (义项3)
dynamical adjective
dynamically adverb
1. early 19th cent. (as a term in physics): from French dynamique, from Greek dunamikos, from dunamis 'power'
9dynamic equilibrium dynamic equilibrium
1. a state of balance between continuing processes
• 动态平衡;动力平衡
10dynamic metamorphism dynamic metamorphism
1. [mass noun] [Geology] metamorphism produced by mechanical forces
[地质] 动力变质作用
11dynamic pricing dynamic pricing
1. [mass noun] the practice of pricing items at a level determined by a particular customer's perceived ability to pay
• 动态定价(根据特定顾客的预期支付能力确定商品价格的做法)
12dynamic range dynamic range
1. the range of acceptable or possible volumes of sound occurring in the course of a piece of music or a performance
• (一段音乐或表演的)力度范围
  the ratio of the largest to the smallest intensity of sound that can be reliably transmitted or reproduced by a particular sound system, measured in decibels
• (某声音系统可传递或产生的声音的)力度比,最强音与最弱音的比率
13dynamics dynamics
/ dai5nAmiks /
plural noun
1. [treated as sing.] the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces
• 动力学。
--› compare statics
  [usu. with modifier] the branch of any science in which forces or changes are considered
• 力学
 »chemical dynamics.
2. the forces or properties which stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process
• 动力
 »the dynamics of changing social relations.
3. [Music] the varying levels of volume of sound in different parts of a musical performance
[乐] 力度,力度变化
dynamicist noun
1. (only in sense 1)
• (限义项 1)
14dynamic viscosity dynamic viscosity
1. a quantity measuring the force needed to overcome internal friction in a fluid
• 动态黏滞度
15dynamism dynamism
/ 5dainEmizEm /
noun, [mass noun]
1. the quality of being characterized by vigorous activity and progress
• 活力;强有力的行动
 »the dynamism and strength of the economy.
  the quality of being dynamic and positive in attitude
• 生气勃勃,有活力,有干劲
 »he was known for his dynamism and strong views.
2. [Philosophy, chiefly historical] the theory that phenomena of matter or mind are due to the action of forces rather than to motion or matter
[哲主史] 物力论,力本论
dynamist noun
1. mid 19th cent.: from Greek dunamis 'power' + -ism
16dynamite dynamite
/ 5dainEmait /
1. [mass noun] a high explosive consisting of nitroglycerine mixed with an absorbent material and typically moulded into sticks
• 达纳炸药;氨爆炸药
  (figurative)something that has the potential to generate extreme reactions or to have devastating repercussions
[喻] 将产生极度反应(或极大影响)的事物,具有爆炸性影响的事物
 »that roads policy is political dynamite.
  [informal] an extremely impressive or exciting person or thing
[非正式] 轰动一时的人(或物),极令人兴奋的人(或物)
 »both her albums are dynamite.
 »[as modifier] a chick with a dynamite figure.
  (informal, dated)a narcotic, especially heroin
[非正式,旧] 麻醉剂(尤指海洛因)
1. [with obj.] blow up (something) with dynamite
• 用炸药炸毁,爆破
dynamiter noun
1. mid 19th cent.: from Greek dunamis 'power' + -ite
17dynamize dynamize
(也作 -ise), verb
1. [with obj.] endow with power or energy; make dynamic
• 使具有活力,使生机勃勃;使不断发展变化
dynamization noun
18dynamo dynamo
/ 5daInE7mEJ /
(pl. -os)
1. (chiefly Brit.)a machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy, typically by means of rotating coils of copper wire in a magnetic field
[主英] 发电机
  [informal] an extremely energetic person
[非正式] 精力充沛的人
 »she was a dynamo in London politics.
1. late 19th cent.: abbreviation of dynamo-electric machine, from Greek dunamis 'power'
19dynamometer dynamometer
/ 7dainE5mCmitE /
1. an instrument which measures the power output of an engine
• 功率计
1. early 19th cent.: from French dynamomètre, from Greek dunamis 'power' + French -mètre ('instrument) measuring'
20dynast dynast
/ 5dinEst /
1. a member of a powerful family, especially a hereditary ruler
• 豪门望族成员(尤指世袭君主)
1. mid 17th cent.: via Latin from Greek dunastēs, from dunasthai 'be able'



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