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1aberrant aberrant
/ A5berEnt , 5AbE- /
1. departing from an accepted standard
• 偏离常规的
  (chiefly Biology)diverging from the normal type
[主生] 异常的,畸变的
 »aberrant chromosomes.
aberrance noun
aberrancy noun
aberrantly adverb
1. mid 16th cent.: from Latin aberrant- 'wandering away', from the verb aberrare, from ab- 'away, from' + errare 'to stray'
2aberration aberration
/ 7AbE5reiFEn /
1. a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome
• (对正常、一般或预期情况的)偏离,偏差
 »they described the outbreak of violence in the area as an aberration.
  a person whose beliefs or behaviour are unusual or unacceptable
• 信仰(或行为)异常的人
 »evil men are an aberration.
  a departure from someone's usual moral character or mental ability, typically for the worse
• 精神失常
 »I see these activities as some kind of mental aberration.
  [Biology] a characteristic that deviates from the normal type
[生] (偏离常规类型的)畸变,变型
 »colour aberrations.
  [Optics] the failure of rays to converge at one focus because of a defect in a lens or mirror
[光学] 像差
  [Astronomy] the apparent displacement of a celestial object from its true position, caused by the relative motion of the observer and the object
[天文] 光行差
aberrational adjective
1. late 16th cent.: from Latin aberratio(n-), from aberrare 'to stray' (see aberrant )
3Afars and Issas, French Territor Afars and Issas, French Territory of the
/ 5B:fB:z, 5i:sB:z /
1. former name (1946—1977) for the Republic of Djibouti
• 法属阿法尔和伊萨领地(Djibouti 的原称[1946—1977]
4all-terrain vehicle all-terrain vehicle
[缩略词: ATV] , noun
1. a small open motor vehicle with one seat and three or more wheels fitted with large tyres, designed for use on rough ground
• 全地形汽车
5antiferromagnetic antiferromagnetic
/ 7Anti7ferEumAɡ5netik /
1. [Physics] denoting or exhibiting a form of magnetism characterized by an antiparallel alignment of adjacent electron spins in a crystal lattice
[物理] 反铁磁的。
--› compare ferrimagnetic
6Australian Antarctic Territory Australian Antarctic Territory
1. an area of Antarctica administered by Australia, lying between longitudes 142° east and 136° east
• 澳大利亚南极洲领地(东经142°和136°之间由澳大利亚管辖的南极地区)
7Australian Capital Territory Australian Capital Territory
1. a federal territory in New South Wales, Australia, consisting of two enclaves ceded by New South Wales, one in 1911 to contain Canberra, the other in 1915 containing Jervis Bay; the latter became the Jervis Bay territory in 1988
• 澳大利亚首都直辖区(在澳大利亚新南威尔士的联邦区,由新南威尔士划出的两块飞地组成: 一块1911年划出,包括堪培拉;另一块1915年划出,包括杰维斯湾,1988年又成为杰维斯湾区)
8Australian terrier Australian terrier
1. a wire-haired terrier of a breed originating in Australia
• 澳洲小猎犬
9Averroës Averroës
/ E5vZrEJi:z /
1. (c 1126–98), Spanish-born Islamic philosopher, judge, and physician; Arabic nameibn-Rushd. His highly influential commentaries on Aristotle sought to reconcile Aristotle with Plato and the Greek philosophical tradition with the Arabic
• 阿威罗伊(约1126—1198,生于西班牙,伊斯兰哲学家、法官和物理学家,阿拉伯语名伊本鲁什迪;他关于亚里士多德的评论极具影响,力主将亚里士多德与柏拉图、希腊哲学传统与阿拉伯哲学传统加以调和)
10baneberry baneberry
/ 5beinbEri /
(pl. -ies)
1. a plant of the buttercup family, which bears fluffy spikes of creamy-white flowers followed by shiny berries, found in north temperate regions. (also called herb Christopher)
• 类叶升麻属植物。(亦称 herb Christopher)
2. Genus Actaea, family Ranunculaceae, especially the common Eurasian A. spicata (also called herb Christopher), with black berries
• 类叶升麻属,毛茛科,尤指长黑色浆果的欧亚大陆的类叶升麻(亦称 herb Christopher)
  the bitter berry of this plant, which can be dangerously poisonous
• 类叶升麻的浆果(味苦,剧毒)
1. mid 18th cent.: from bane in the sense 'poison' + berry
11barberry barberry
/ 5bB:bEri /
(pl. -ies)
1. a spiny shrub which typically has yellow flowers and red berries, frequently grown for ornamental hedging
• 小檗,伏牛花
2. Genus Berberis, family Berberidaceae: many species, including the European or common barberry [B. vulgaris]
• 小檗属,小檗科:多种,包括欧洲(或普通)小檗(拉丁名B.vulgaris)
1. late Middle English : from Old French berberis (see berberis ). The change in the ending was due to association with berry
12Basseterre Basseterre
/ bAs5tZ: /
1. the capital of St Kitts and Nevis in the Leeward Islands, on the island of St Kitts; pop. 12,600 (est. 1994)
• 巴斯特尔(背风群岛上圣基茨和尼维斯联邦首都,位于圣基茨岛上,1994年估计人口12,600)
13Basse-Terre Basse-Terre
/ bAs5tZ: /
1. the main island of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean
• 巴斯特尔岛
14bayberry bayberry
/ 5beibEri /
(pl. -ies)
1. a North American shrub with aromatic leathery leaves and waxy berries
• 杨梅。(亦称 wax myrtle)
2. Genus Myrica, family Myricaceae: several species, in particular M. cerifera
• 杨梅属,杨梅科: 数种,尤指蜡杨梅
1. late 17th cent.: from bay + berry
15bearberry bearberry
/ 5beEbEri /
(pl. -ies)
1. a creeping dwarf shrub of the heather family, with pinkish flowers and bright red berries
• 熊果
2. Genus Arctostaphylos, family Ericaceae: several species, in particular A. uva-ursi of circumpolar regions
• 熊果属,杜鹃花科: 数种,尤指环极地地区的熊果
16Bedlington terrier Bedlington terrier
/ 5bZdlINt(E)n /
1. a terrier of a breed with narrow head, long legs, and curly grey hair
• 贝德林顿狗(一种头窄、腿长、毛卷的灰色猎狗)
1. mid 19th cent.: named after the villageBedlington in northern England, where the breed originated
17Berra Berra
/ 5berE /
1. Yogi (b.1925), American baseball player; bornLawrence Peter Berra. He was especially famous as a catcher with the New York Yankees
• 贝拉,约吉(1925年生,美国棒球选手,出生名劳伦斯•彼得•贝拉,纽约扬基队著名接球手)
1. The cartoon character Yogi Bear (from 1958) is popularly believed to have been named after Berra, though the animators deny that this was their intention
18Berry Berry
1. a former province of central France; chief town, Bourges
• 贝里(原法国中部一省;首府布尔日)
1. Chuck (b.1931), American rock-and-roll singer, guitarist, and songwriter; bornCharles Edward Berry. Notable songs:‘Johnny B Goode’. (1958)
• 贝里,查克(1931年,美国摇滚乐歌手、吉他手、歌曲作家,出生名查尔斯•爱德华•贝里;主要歌曲《强尼•B•古德》 [1958])
19berry berry
/ 5beri: /
(pl. -ies)
1. a small roundish juicy fruit without a stone
• 无核浆果
 »juniper berries.
  [Botany] any fruit that has its seeds enclosed in a fleshy pulp, for example a banana or tomato
[植] 有核浆果(如香蕉、番茄等)
  any of various kernels or seeds, such as the coffee bean
• 果仁,果核,籽
  a fish egg or roe of a lobster or similar creature
• 虾子;鱼子;卵
berried adjective
 »[often incombination] red-berried elder trees.
1. Old English berie, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch bes and German Beere
20berrying berrying
1. [mass noun] the activity of gathering berries
• 浆果采集



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