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1angle of reflection angle of reflection
1. [Physics] the angle made by a reflected ray with a perpendicular to the reflecting surface
[物理] 反射角
2deflect deflect
/ di5flekt /
1. [with obj., and usu. with adverbial of direction] cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course
• 使偏离,使偏斜;使转向
 »the bullet was deflected harmlessly into the ceiling.
 »he attempted to deflect attention away from his private life.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of an object) change direction after hitting something
• (物体撞到某物后)转向,改向
 »the ball deflected off Knight's body.
  cause (someone) to deviate from an intended purpose
• 使(人)改变目的(或想法)
 »she refused to be deflected from anything she had set her mind on.
  cause (something) to change orientation
• 使(物)转向,使改向
 »the compass needle is deflected from magnetic north by metal in the aircraft.
1. mid 16th cent.: from Latin deflectere, from de- 'away from' + flectere 'to bend'
3deflection deflection
/ dI5flekFEn /
(也作 deflexion), noun
1. [mass noun] the action or process of deflecting or being deflected
• 偏离,偏斜,转向,折射
 »the deflection of the light beam.
  [count noun] the amount by which something is deflected
• 偏离量,偏度
 »an 11-mile deflection of the river.
1. early 17th cent.: from late Latin deflexio(n-), from deflectere 'bend away' (see deflect )
4deflector deflector
/ di5flektE /
1. a device that deflects something, in particular
• 偏离装置,尤指
  a plate or other attachment for deflecting a flow of air, water, heat, etc
• 致偏器
  an electrode in a cathode ray tube whose magnetic field is used to deflect a beam of electrons on to a phosphor screen to form an image
• 偏转器
5genuflect genuflect
/ 5dVenjE7flekt /
1. [no obj.] lower one's body briefly by bending one knee to the ground, typically in worship or as a sign of respect
• 单膝下跪
 »she genuflected and crossed herself.
  [with adverbial] (figurative)show deference or servility
[喻] 表示顺从;卑躬屈膝
 »politicians had to genuflect to the far left to advance their careers.
genuflection noun
1. (也作 genuflexion)
genuflector noun
1. mid 17th cent. (in the sense 'bend (the knee'): from ecclesiastical Latin genuflectere, from Latin genu 'knee' + flectere 'to bend'
6glide reflection glide reflection
1. [Mathematics] a transformation consisting of a translation combined with a reflection about a plane parallel to the direction of the translation
[数] 滑移反射
7inflect inflect
/ In5flekt /
verb, [with obj.] [常作 be inflected]
1. [Grammar] change the form of (a word) to express a particular grammatical function or attribute, typically tense, mood, person, number, and gender
[语法] 使(词)发生屈折变化
  [no obj.] (of a word or a language containing such words) undergo such change
• (词,语言)发生屈折变化
2. vary the intonation or pitch of (the voice), especially to express mood or feeling
• (尤指为表达心情或感情)改变语调,改变音调
  influence or colour (music or writing) in tone or style
• 影响(音调,曲风,写作语气,写作风格)
  vary the pitch of (a musical note)
• 变(音);转(调)
3. (technical)bend or deflect (something), especially inwards
[技] 使弯曲(尤指向内弯曲)
inflective adjective
1. late Middle English (in sense 3): from Latin inflectere, from in- 'into' + flectere 'to bend'
8inflection inflection
/ In5flekFEn /
[主英亦作 inflexion] , noun
1. [Grammar] a change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function or attribute such as tense, mood, person, number, case, and gender
[语法] (词,尤指词尾的)屈折变化
  [mass noun] the process or practice of inflecting words
• 屈折变化过程;屈折变化练习
2. [mass noun] the modulation of intonation or pitch in the voice
• (声调的)抑扬
 »she spoke slowly and without inflection.
 »[count noun] the variety of his vocal inflections.
  the variation of the pitch of a musical note
• 变音;转调
3. (chiefly Mathematics)a change of curvature from convex to concave at a particular point on a curve
[主数] 拐折,回折;拐点,回折点
inflectional adjective
inflectionally adverb
inflectionless adjective
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'the action of bending inwards'): from Latin inflexio(n-), from the verb inflectere 'bend in, curve' (see inflect )
9reflect reflect
/ ri5flekt /
1. [with obj.] (of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light, or sound) without absorbing it
• (物体或表面)反射(热、光或声音)
 »when the sun's rays hit the Earth a lot of the heat is reflected back into space.
 »[as adj. reflected] his eyes gleamed in the reflected light.
  (of a mirror or shiny surface) show an image of
• (镜子或光洁表面)照出,映出
 »he could see himself reflected in Keith's mirrored glasses.
  embody or represent (something) in a faithful or appropriate way
• 忠实反映,恰当表明
 »shares are priced at a level that reflects a company's prospects.
 »schools should reflect cultural differences.
  (of an action or situation) bring (credit or discredit) to the relevant parties
• (行动或情况)给当事人带来(荣誉或耻辱)
 »the main contract is progressing well, which reflects great credit on those involved.
  [no obj.] (reflect well/badly on)bring about a good or bad impression of
• 为…带来好(或坏)的印象;使…得到好(或坏)的评价
 »the incident reflects badly on the operating practices of the airlines.
2. [no obj.] (reflect on/upon)think deeply or carefully about
• 深思,反省
 »he reflected with sadness on the unhappiness of his marriage.
 »[with clause] Charles reflected that maybe there was hope for the family after all.
  (archaic)make disparaging remarks about
[古] 说蔑视…的话
 »the clergy were strictly charged not to reflect on the Catholic religion in their discourses.
1. late Middle English: from Old French reflecter or Latin reflectere, from re- 'back' + flectere 'to bend'
10reflectance reflectance
/ ri5flektEns /
1. [Physics] the measure of the proportion of light or other radiation striking a surface which is reflected off it
[物理] 反射比,反向射系数
11reflected glory reflected glory
1. [mass noun] fame or approval achieved through association with someone else rather than through one's own efforts
• 折射来的荣耀,从别人那里沾来的光
12reflecting telescope reflecting telescope
1. a telescope in which a mirror is used to collect and focus light
• 反射式望远镜
13reflection reflection
/ ri5flekFEn /
1. [mass noun] the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it
• (光、热或声音的)反射
 »the reflection of light.
  [count noun] an amount of light, heat, or sound that is thrown back in such a way
• 反射光;反射热;回声
 »the reflections from the street lamps gave them just enough light.
  [count noun] an image seen in a mirror or shiny surface
• (镜子或光洁面)映像
 »Marianne surveyed her reflection in the mirror.
  [count noun] a thing that is a consequence of or arises from something else
• 反映
 »a healthy skin is a reflection of good health in general.
  [in sing.] a thing bringing discredit to someone or something
• 有损(人或事)名誉的事
 »it was a sad reflection on society that because of his affliction he was picked on.
  [count noun] [Mathematics] the conceptual operation of inverting a system or event with respect to a plane, each element being transferred perpendicularly through the plane to a point the same distance the other side of it
[数] 镜射,反射
2. [mass noun] serious thought or consideration
• 深思,反省
 »he doesn't get much time for reflection.
  [count noun] an idea about something, especially one that is written down or expressed
• (尤指见诸语言)想法,意见,思考
 »reflections on human destiny and art.
1. late Middle English: from Old French reflexion or late Latin reflexio(n-), from Latin reflex- 'bent back', from the verb reflectere
14reflection coefficient reflection coefficient
1. another term for reflectance
• 同 reflectance
15reflective reflective
/ rI5flektIv /
1. providing a reflection; capable of reflecting light or other radiation
• 反射的,能反射(光或其他辐射)的
 »reflective glass.
 »reflective clothing.
  produced by reflection
• 反射产生的
 »a colourful reflective glow.
2. relating to or characterized by deep thought; thoughtful
• (与)思考(有关)的,沉思的
 »a quiet, reflective, astute man.
reflectively adverb
reflectiveness noun
16reflectivity reflectivity
/ 7ri:flek5tiviti /
1. [Physics] the property of reflecting light or radiation, especially reflectance as measured independently of the thickness of a material
[物理] 反射性,反射率
17reflectometer reflectometer
/ 7ri:flek5tCmitE /
1. an instrument for measuring quantities associated with reflection, in particular (also time domain reflectometer) an instrument for locating discontinuities (e.g. faults in electric cables) by detecting and measuring reflected pulses of energy
• 反射计(尤指时畴反射计)
reflectometry noun
18reflector reflector
/ rI5flektE /
1. a piece of glass or metal for reflecting light in a required direction, e.g. a red one on the back of a motor vehicle or bicycle
• 反光镜;(汽车或自行车尾部红色的)反光罩
  an object or device which reflects radio waves, seismic vibrations, sound, or other waves
• (无线电波、地震振荡、声音或其他波的)反射体,反射器
  a reflecting telescope
• 反射式望远镜
19retroreflector retroreflector
/ 7retrEuri5flektE /
1. a device which reflects light back along the incident path, irrespective of the angle of incidence
• 后向反射镜;后向反射器
retroreflective adjective
20seismic reflection seismic reflection
1. [mass noun] [Geology] the reflection of elastic waves at boundaries between different rock formations, especially as a technique for prospecting or research
[地质] (尤指用作探测或研究技巧的)地震反射



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