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1afflict afflict
/ E5flikt /
1. [with obj.] (of a problem or illness) cause pain or suffering to; affect ; trouble
• (问题,疾病)使痛苦,折磨;影响;困扰
 »his younger child was afflicted with a skin disease.
 »serious ills afflict the industry.
 »[as plural noun the afflicted] he comforted the afflicted.
  [Astrology] (of a celestial body) be in a stressful aspect with (another celestial body or a point on the ecliptic)
[占星] (天体)相对于(另一天体或黄道上某点)处于应力星位
 »Jupiter is afflicted by Mars in opposition.
afflictive adjective
1. (archaic 古)
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'deject, humiliate'): from Latin afflictare 'knock about, harass', or from afflict- 'knocked down, weakened': both from the verb affligere, from ad- 'to' + fligere 'to strike, dash'
2affliction affliction
/ E5flIkFEn /
1. something that causes pain or suffering
• 痛源,苦事
 »a crippling affliction of the nervous system.
  [mass noun] pain; suffering
• 痛苦;苦楚
 »poor people in great affliction.
  [Astrology] an instance of one celestial body afflicting another
[占星] (天体的)相互处于应力星位
1. Middle English (originally in the sense 'infliction of pain or humiliation', specifically 'religious self-mortification'): via Old French from Latin afflictio(n-), from the verb affligere (see afflict )
3conflict conflict
/ 5kCnflikt /
1. a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one
• (尤指持久的)意见不一;争论
 »the eternal conflict between the sexes.
 »[mass noun] doctors often come into conflict with politicians.
  a prolonged armed struggle
• (长期的)武装斗争,战争;武装冲突
 »regional conflicts.
  [mass noun] a state of mind in which a person experiences a clash of opposing wishes or needs
• (相反愿望或需要的)冲突,矛盾
 »bewildered by her own inner conflict, she could only stand there feeling vulnerable.
  a serious incompatibility between two or more opinions, principles, or interests
• (两种或两种以上意见、原则或利益的)冲突,抵触
 »there was a conflict between his business and domestic life.
1. [no obj.] be incompatible or at variance; clash
• 相左;冲突,抵触
 »parents' and children's interests sometimes conflict.
 »the date for the match conflicted with a religious festival.
 »[as adj. conflicting] there are conflicting accounts of what occurred.
  [as adj. conflicted] [N. Amer.] having or showing confused and mutually inconsistent feelings
[北美] (感觉)相互矛盾的,困惑的
 »he remains a little conflicted about Marlene.
conflictual adjective
1. late Middle English: from Latin conflict- 'struck together, fought', from the verb confligere, from con- 'together' + fligere 'to strike'; the noun is via Latin conflictus 'a contest'
4conflict diamond conflict diamond
1. (in Africa) a rough diamond traded illicitly to finance an armed struggle
• (非洲)冲突钻石,血腥钻石(非法买卖的粗钻石,为武装活动提供经费)
5inflict inflict
/ in5flikt /
1. [with obj.] cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something
• 使遭受(不快,痛苦)
 »they inflicted serious injuries on three other men.
  (inflict something on)impose something unwelcome on
• 将(不受欢迎的事物)强加于
 »she is wrong to inflict her beliefs on everyone else.
inflictable adjective
inflicter noun
1. mid 16th cent. (in the sense 'afflict, trouble'): from Latin inflict- 'struck against', from the verb infligere, from in- 'into' + fligere 'to strike'
6infliction infliction
/ In5flIkFEn /
1. [mass noun] the action of inflicting something unpleasant or painful on someone or something
• 施加
 »the repeated infliction of pain.
  [count noun] (informal, dated)a nuisance
[非正式,旧] 讨厌的人(或东西)
 »what an infliction he must be!.
1. mid 16th cent.: from late Latin inflictio(n-), from the verb infligere (see inflict )
7self-inflicted self-inflicted
/ 7selfIn5flIktId /
1. (of a wound or other harm) inflicted on oneself
• (伤口,伤害)加于自身的



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