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1allowallowallow[əˈlaʊ]al'low for sth 1.■to include sth when you are calculating sth or planning sth将…计算在内...
2answeransweranswer[ˈɑːnsə],answer 'back1.■to defend yourself against sth bad that sb has said about you为自己...
3awakeawakeawake[əˈweɪk](awoke/awoken) a'wake to sth (formal)1.■to become aware of sth and its possible re...
4awakenawakenawaken[əˈweɪk(ə)n]a'waken to sth;a'waken sb to sth (formal)1.■to become aware of sth, or to ma...
5bawlbawlbawl[bɔːl],bawl sb 'out (informal)1.■to speak angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong大声训斥...
6blowblowblow[bləʊ](blew/blown) ,blow a'way; ,blow sth a'way 1.■to be moved or carried away by the force ...
7bowbowbow[baʊ],bow 'down 1.■(to/before sb/sth) to move your head or the top part of your body forwards ...
8bowlbowlbowl[bəʊl],bowl sb 'out 1.■(in cricket板球运动) to make the person who is hitting the ball (the bats...
9brewbrewbrew[bruː],brew 'up; ,brew sth 'up (BrE, informal)1.■to prepare a hot drink of tea or coffee沏茶;煮...
10browsebrowsebrowse[braʊz],browse 'through sth 1.■to look through a book, a magazine, etc. in a casual way,...
11burrowburrowburrow[ˈbʌrəʊ]'burrow in sth 1.■to search for sth among things in a container(在容器等里)搜寻:She bur...
12chewchewchew[tʃuː]'chew on sth1.■(also 'chew at sth) to bite sth continuously,especially because you are...
13chowchowchow[tʃaʊ],chow 'down(on sth) (AmE, informal) 1.■to eat a lot of food胃口大开; 大吃:We chowed down on ...
14clawclawclaw[klɔː]'claw at sb/sth 1.■to try to catch sb/sth or scratch or tear sb/sth with sharp, curved...
15clownclownclown[klaʊn],clown a'round (BrE also ,clown a'bout) 1.■to behave in a silly way to make other p...
16crawlcrawlcrawl[krɔːl]'crawl with sb/sth 1.■(usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) 2.■to be ful...
17crowdcrowdcrowd[kraʊd],crowd a'round; ,crowd a'round sb/sth (especially AmE)=CROWD ROUND,CROWD ROUND SB/S...
18dawndawndawn[dɔːn]'dawn on sb (also 'dawn upon sb more formal)1.■if an idea, the truth or a fact dawns o...
19drawdrawdraw[drɔː](drew/drawn) ,draw 'back 1.■to move away from sb/sth, especially sb/sth that makes you...
20drowndrowndrown[draʊn],drown sb/sth 'out 1.■if a sound drowns out sb/sth, it is so loud that they/it cann...



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